অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য সাজেশন 2025
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অনার্স পাস এবং সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের BA, BSS, BBA & BSC অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের [২০১৩-১৪ এর সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী] মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য (Continental Literature) সুপার সাজেশন Department of : English & Other Department Subject Code: 241117 |
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মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সাজেশন 2025
Part-A : Brief Question with Answer
The Metamorphosis
1. Who was Franz Kafka?
Ans. Franz Kafka was the most important prose writer of the Prague Circle.
2. What is meant by ‘Prague Circle’?
Ans. ‘Prague Circle’ is a loosely knit group of German Jewish writers.
3. How was Gregor’s relation with his father?
Ans. Gregor’s relation with his father was anything but sweet.
4. How was Gregor treated by his mother?
Ans. Gregor’s mother pleaded for her son’s life believing his sickness a temporary phase.
5. How would we then explain Gregor’s metamorphosis?
Ans. Gregor’s metamorphosis has actually taken place in his ‘uneasy dreams’.
The Outsider
1. Who is the author of the novel entitled, The Stranger or L’Étranger?
Ans. Albert Camus is the author.
2. What is the genre of the novel The Stranger?
Ans. The Stranger is an Existential novel.
3. What is the original language of the novel, The Stranger?
Ans. French is the language that Camus wrote his novel, The Stranger.
4. How does Meursault prepare to attend the funeral of his mother in rural Marengo?
Ans. Meursault borrows a black tie and arm band from a friend and then takes a bus to attend the funeral.
5. What kind of attitude does Meursault reveal when he stays for the vigil?
Ans. Meursault is mostly annoyed at the ordeal of a vigil.
Mother Courage and Her Children
1. Who was Bertolt Brecht?
Ans. Bertolt Brecht was a modern dramatist of Germany who wrote a number of dramas on a new concept of dramatic art.
2. What type of the play is Mother Courage and Her Children?
Ans. It is a modern play with a historical background.
3. Why is not the play, Mother Courage and Her Children considered a historical play?
Ans. Although written against the background of history it is not a historical play because no historical personality has any role in the action of the play.
4. Is the Thirty years War religious?
Ans. Yes. It is primarily a war of religion between the forces of Catholicism and Protestantism.
5. What is the subject matter of the play, Mother Courage and Her Children?
Ans. The havoc caused by the Thirty Years War and the merciless slaughter of the innocent civilians are the theme of the play.
A Doll’s House
1. Who was Henrik Ibsen?
Ans. Henrik Ibsen was the Norwegian poet and dramatist, generally acknowledged as the founder of modern naturalistic drama in the 19th century.
2. What kind of play play is A Doll’s House?
Ans. A Doll’s House is a modern tragedy because it highlights the problem of a modern woman.
3. What are the major themes of A Doll’s House?
Ans. The major themes of A Doll’s House are the individual and society, duty to oneself, the place of women in society, appearance and reality and the collapse of the parental ideal.
4. What is the principal theme of the play, A Doll’s House?
Ans. The principal theme of A Doll’s House is the emancipation of women from the conventional code of life in which the husband exercises excessive control upon the wife.
5. Who is the protagonist of the play A Doll’s House?
Ans. Nora Helmer is the protagonist of the play A Doll’s House. She is the wife of Torvald Helmer.
Crime and Punishment
1. Who is the author of the great novel, Crime and Punishment?
Ans. The author of the great novel Crime and Punishment is Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.
2. How old is Rodion Raskolnikov?
Ans. Rodion Raskolnikov is a young intellectual in his early twenties.
3. Where does Raskolnikov live?
Ans. Raskolnikov unable to pay the cent or buy food, lives in a shabby little garret.
4. Why does Raskolnikov almost revolt when he leaves his garret?
Ans. Raskolnikov revolts being vexed at the hot, sunny streets, and the drunken people moving around.
5. How does Raskolnikov feel when he tries to pawn his father’s watch?
Ans. It almost tears Raskolnikov apart to pawn something of such great sentimental value as his father’s watch.
Honors Suggestion Links | প্রশ্ন সমাধান সমূহ |
Degree Suggestion Links | BCS Exan Solution |
HSC Suggestion Links | 2016 – 2025 জব পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন উত্তর |
SSC Suggestion Links | বিষয় ভিত্তিক জব পরিক্ষার সাজেশন |
মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সুপার সাজেশন PDF Download 2025
Part B : Short Questions
The Metamorphosis
1. What was the predicament faced by Mr. Samsa immediately after Gregor’s transformation?
2. How does Gregor entertain himself?
3. How was Gregor treated when all the members of his family were forced to work?
4. How is Gregor’s metamorphosis similar to Grete’s and how does it differ?
5. How does Gregor feel and react when one morning he wakes up and becomes aware of his metamorphosis?
The Outsider
1. Write a short note on Meursault’s realisation of the absurdity of life.
2. What message do you get from The Outsider?
3. What is Meursault’s idea of an afterlife?
4. Justify the title of Camus novel, The Stranger.
5. Discuss the European-Arab relation in Albert Camus’ novel, The Stranger.
Mother Courage and Her Children
1. Write the historical context of Mother Courage and Her Children.
2. Discuss briefly the relationship between maternity and war as illustrated in Mother Courage and Her Children.
3. What does religion play in the drama Mother Courage and Her Children?
4. Why was Swiss Cheese sentenced to death?
5. What is alienation or distancing? How Brecht has applied this technique in the play, Mother Courage and Her Children?
A Doll’s House
1. Who is the doll Ibsen refers to?
2. What role does hereditary disease play in A Doll’s House?
3. How is A Doll’s House a feministic play?
4. How does Torvald react when he finds out about Nora’s debts?
5. What, according to you, is the message of the play A Doll’s House?
Crime and Punishment
1. Why does Raskolnikov decide to confess his crime?
2. What is the significance of a yellow passport?
3. Write in brief Dostoevsky’s concept of ethics as you trace in his novel, Crime and Punishment.
4. Comment on Sonia’s contribution to Raskolnikov’s redemption.
5. What is the significance of Raskolnikov’s dream?
1. When Gregor Samsa woke one morning from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed right there in his bed into some sort of monstrous insect.
2. ‘Oh God’, he thought, ‘What a gruelling job I’ve picked! Day in, day out – on the road.’
3. ‘Maman died today, or yesterday may be I don’t know!’
4. ‘What a life. So this is the peace of my old age.’
5. ‘I’m not drunk officer. It just that I’m here, and you’re there, and I’m shaking. I cant help it.’
Short Notes
1. Gregor Samsa’s relationship with his sister
2. Killing of the Arab in The Outsider
3. Yvette Pottier
4. The Epic Theatre
5. Dr. Rank
6. Suspense in A Doll’s House
7. The Character of Raskolnikov
8. Porfiry Petrovich
9. Sonya
10. Gregor Samsa’s relationship with his father
PDF Download মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সুপার সাজেশন 2025
Part C : Broad Questions
The Metamorphosis
1. Is Kafka in his Metamorphosis cynical? Give reasons for your answer.
2. Bring out the tragic and comic elements in Metamorphosis.
3. How does Kafka project Gregor Samsa alienation in Metamorphosis? / Gregor’s metamorphosis is a metaphor of his dehumanization-Discuss.
4. How far does the transformation of Gregor’s personality affect you?
5. Discuss the techniques applied by Kafka in writing The Metamorphosis. / Justify Metamorphosis as one of the few great poetic works of this century.
The Outsider
1. Discuss The Outsider The Stranger as Camus attempt to portray the absurdity of man’s existence in the universe.
2. Consider Meursault as an existential hero.
3. How does Camus make his readers retain sympathy for Meursault despite his crime and lack of repentance?
4. Discuss Meursault’s view of society.
5. The Outsider shows how the conventions of a society can be tyrannical. Give your views on this statement on the basis of your reading.
[ বি:দ্র: উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
Mother Courage and Her Children
1. How do the songs in Mother Courage and Her Children relate to the play and Brecht’s conception of the epic theatre?
2. In Brecht’s pay, the life of Mother Courage is plainly an open contradiction. Discuss.
3. Do you consider Mother Courage and Her Children a tragedy? Give reasons for your answer.
4. ‘Mother Courage and Her Children is an anti-war play’. -Discuss.
5. Consider Brecht as an innovative playwright with special reference to Mother Courage and Her Children.
2025 মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সাজেশন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড
A Doll’s House
1. A Doll’s House is a play about a women’s self-discovery and liberation. Discuss.
2. Discuss how Ibsen provides suspense in A Doll’s House?
3. Justify the appropriateness of the title of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House.
4. Evaluate A Doll’s House as a play of social criticism. / Discuss the conflict between freedom and social conventions in A Doll’s House. / A feminist play.
5. Sketch the character of Nora in A Doll’s House.
Crime and Punishment
1. Write about imagery and symbolism in Crime and Punishment.
2. Describe Roskolnikov as a dual character. / Analyse the split personality of Raskolnikov.
3. Discuss the significant role of coincidences in Crime and Punishment.
4. Comment on Dostoevsky’s use of irony in his novel Crime and Punishment.
২০২৫ জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের এর 2025 অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য পরীক্ষার সাজেশন, 2025 অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষ মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য সাজেশন
Honors 4th year Common Suggestion 2025
আজকের সাজেশস: অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের মহাদেশীয় সাহিত্য স্পেশাল সাজেশন 2025,Honors Continental Literature Suggestion 2025
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