Serial: 2nd Assigned Task
Unit and Title of the lesson: Unit- 6 (Leisure)
Lesson-1 (A day in Zishan’s life)
Lesson-4 (Travelling by train-1)
Lesson-5 (Travelling by Train-2)
Assigned Tasks/Assignment:
Assignment: Read lesson 1 on “A day in Zishan’s life” (page no. 54) and make a daily routine accordingly for your own.
Now try to follow your routine completely for the next three days without any gap. After three days, write on your note sheet/exercise book what you have really done for these three days and mention which portion of the routine you could not complete fully with practical reasons.
1.Did you have any experience on a journey by train? If yes, how was it? Write five/six sentences on it.
If no, which journey did you have and how was it? Write five/six sentences on it.
Assessment Criteria:
The teacher will check students’ ideas of content, language, organization of writing, Spelling, grammar, punctuations
Answer: 1.Did you have any experience on a journey by train?
If yes, how was it? Write five/six sentences on it.
If no, which journey did you have and how was it? Write five/six sentences on it.
5 or 6 Sentences On Journey By Train
We have shared here 10 sentences about A journey by Train. In your case, write five / six sentences on your choice.
10 Lines Essay on A Journey by Train
1. Travel by train is enjoyable.
2. I had such a trip up to Cuttack.
3. I got into the train at Berhampur.
4. I managed to get a seat at the window
5. It was started moving.
6. The houses, trees, fields on either side seemed running to the opposite direction.
7. It halted at different stations.
8. The vendors come into our compartment to sell their things.
9. On the way, I was quite happy to see the beauty of Chilika.
10. It was reached Cuttack at 4 p.m
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