alim/আলিম ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সংক্ষিপ্ত সাজেশন, ফাইনাল সাজেশন আলিম ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র, alim English 2nd Paper suggestion 100% common guaranty, special short suggestion alim suggestion English 2nd Paper

alim/আলিম ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সংক্ষিপ্ত সাজেশন, ফাইনাল সাজেশন আলিম ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র, alim English 2nd Paper suggestion 100% common guaranty, special short suggestion alim suggestion English 2nd Paper,alim English 2nd Paper suggestion, এইচএসসি আলিম ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সাজেশন

আলিম ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সংক্ষিপ্ত সাজেশন ২০২৫

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট (এইচএসসি) সুপার সাজেশন ২০২৫
বিজ্ঞান-মানবিক-বাণিজ্য বিভাগ এইচএসসি
[ ২০২৫ এর সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী]
ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র (English 2nd paper) সুপার সাজেশন ২০২৫
Subject Code: 239
২০২৫ এর এইচএসসি ১০০% কমন সাজেশন

এইচএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সাজেশন,ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র এইচএসসি সাজেশন, চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন এইচএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র, HSC ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সাজেশন pdf, এইচএসসি ১০০% কমন ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সাজেশন,

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার সাজেশন ২০২৫ (PDF) লিংক

সর্বশেষ সংশোধিত ও সাজেশন টি আপডেটের করা হয়েছে ২০২৫

এইচএসসি আলিম ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সাজেশন ২০২৫

এইচএসসি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সাজেশন, Hsc English 2nd Paper Suggestion,
Grammar Part— (30/60)
1. Gap filling activities without clues (for preposition) (05) প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর লিংক
2. Gap filling activities with clues (05)
3. Completing Sentences (with clues/phrases) (05) প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর লিংক
4. Use Of Verbs— (05) প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর লিংক
5. Narrative Style (direct to indirect & vice versa) (05) প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর লিংক
6. Use of Sentence Connectors (05) প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর লিংক

7.Use of modifiers
8.Use of synonym and antonym প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর লিংক
9. Punctuation

Composition— (20/40)
1. Formal letter writing (making complaints & seeking information) (10)
2. Writing Paragraph (comparison & contrast/ cause & effect) within 200 words (10)

3.Writing comparison (comparison and contrast/ cause and effect) within 200-500 words.

বর্তমান সময়ে নিচের তিনটি জিনিস ট্রেডিং চলছে তাই এর সম্পর্কে ভালো মতো পড়ে রেখো। 

  • Podda setu
  • flood in bangladesh
  • corona virus
  • price hike

আরো ও সাজেশন:-

Honors Suggestion Linksপ্রশ্ন সমাধান সমূহ
Degree Suggestion LinksBCS Exan Solution
HSC Suggestion Links2016 – 2025 জব পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন উত্তর
SSC Suggestion Linksবিষয় ভিত্তিক জব পরিক্ষার সাজেশন

ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র এইচএসসি সুপার সাজেশন PDF Download ২০২৫

Composition1. Formal letter writing (making complaints & seeking information)— (10)

  • Application for Covid-19 Prevention Facilities 7*
  • Application for Debating Club 7*
  • Application for Computer Lab  7***
  • Application for providing sound-system in large classrooms. 3*
  • Application for For some extra class 7*
  • Application for Common room facilities 7*
  • Application for Request for setting up an English Language Club. 7*
  • Application for Relief for Affected People 3*
  • Application for Seat in the College Hostel 3*
  • Application for Facilities in the College Canteen / common room/ for a canteen 5*
  • Application for permission celebrate mujib year  5*
  • Application for To repair a damage road 3*
  • Application for staging drama in the college auditorium. 3*
  • Application for clean collage campus 3*
  • Application for Request for enhancing/increasing library facilities.  5*
  • Application for Request for arranging a clean-up programme around the college. 3*
  • Application for Relief for Affected People  3*
  • Application for Praying for a TC 7*
  • Application for Sinking a tube well/ a bridge 3*
  • Application for Request for the change of elective subject.  5*
  • Application for increasing the number of books in the college library. 7*
  • Application seeking permission to go on a study tour. 7*
  • Application for Request to ban using cell phone in the classroom or in the examination hall  5*
  • Application to provide multi-media facilities for classrooms.  5*
  • Application for Request for permission to use the college ground for arranging the science fair.  5*
  • Application for Request for a seat in the college hostel.   5*
  • Application for seeking permission for arranging a friendly cricket match in the college playground. 3*
  • Application for Podda setu  7***
  • Application for flood in bangladesh  7***
  • Application for corona virus  7***

PDF Download ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র এইচএসসি সুপার সাজেশন ২০২৫

[ বি:দ্র: উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]

Application উত্তর লিংক

Paragraph/Composition/Application/Email/Letter/Short Storiesউত্তর লিংক
ভাবসম্প্রসারণ/প্রবন্ধ, অনুচ্ছেদ/ রচনা/আবেদন পত্র/প্রতিবেদন/ চিঠি ও ইমেলউত্তর লিংক
২০২৫ ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র এইচএসসি সাজেশন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড

HSC English Paragraph Suggestion
2. Writing Paragraph (comparison & contrast/ cause & effect) within 200 words— (10)

  • Climate change/ Global warming  7*
  • Importance of Social Distancing 7*
  • Dowry System a Curse for our Society 5*
  • My College. 3*
  • Computer. 3*
  • The merits and demerits of Mobile Phone  5*
  • Corruption in Bangladesh 7*
  • Food Adultration 7*
  • Impact of Facebook/ Meta 3*
  • City life and Rural Life  3*
  • My Country  5*
  • International Mother Language Day  5*
  • My Future Plan of Life.  5*
  • Environment Pollution  5*
  • Gender Discrimination  5*
  • Early Marriage 3*
  • Female Education   5*
  • Our National Flag.  3*
  • My Favourite Teacher. 3*
  • Digital Bangladesh  5*
  • Newspaper  5*
  • Internet. 3*
  • Bangabandhu Satellite-1   5*
  • Golden Jubilee of Independence   3*
  • International Mother Language Day.   5*
  • Mujib Year / Mujib 100 years Celebration.   5*
  • Your College Library 3*
  • Pahela Baishakh 3*
  • Modern technology/ Mobile  phone  5*
  • Online class  5*
  • Online classes and tradional classes 3*
  • Abuses of facebook 3*
  • 50 years of Independence  7*
  • Traffic Jam  7***
  • Corona Virus 7***
  • Uses and abuses of facebook   5*
  • Epicdemic and pendamic  5*
  • Importance of Learning English.  3*
  • Price Hike  7****
  • Road Accident 7*
  • Rape / Rape Crisis and Prevention  7*
  • Our victory day  5*
  • Deforestation/ Tree Plantation  5*
  • The Padma Multi-Purpose Bridge  5*
  • Mobile Phone  3*
  • Female Education  5*
  • An Ideal Student  5*
  • Drug Addiction 7****
  • Mother Language Day  5*
  • Human Right  3*
  • Online Education 7***
  • Podda setu  7***
  • flood in bangladesh  7***
  • corona virus  7***
Paragraphউত্তর লিংক

3.Writing comparison (comparison and contrast/ cause and effect) within 200-500 words.

  1. Wonders of modern science
  2. Female education
  3. Population problem in Bangladesh
  4. Your childhood memories
  5. Facebook or internet
  6. Importance of reading newspaper
  7. Digital Bangladesh
  8. Use and abuse of satellite channels
  9. Corruption is a curse
  10. Modern technology and globalization
  11. Impact of deforestation
  12. The season you like most
  13. Natural climate of Bangladesh
  14. Unemployment problem in Bangladesh
Compositionউত্তর লিংক

Academic and Official Letter

  • 1. An application to the Principal of your college requesting  him to improve the facilities in the college library. 
  • 2. Suppose, you are a student of Edu care College, Khulna. The sound system in your classroom has become defective. Now, write an application to the principal of your  college asking for solving the problem. 
  • 3. An application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to set up an English Speaking Club/ English Language Club. 
  • 4. Suppose, a big canal runs along your village. People have to cross it everyday but they face many problems due to a damaged bridge. Now write a letter to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for repairing the bridge immediately. 
  • 5. On behalf of the students of your college, write an application to the Principal of your college to provide multimedia facilities in the classrooms.
  • 6. An application to the Principal of your college requesting him for allowing to  go for a study tour.
  • 7. An application to the Principal. of your college requesting him/her to set up an  ‘English Debating Club’ at your college.
  • 8. An application to the Principal of your college for setting up a “Computer Lab”  in your college.
  • 9. As you are a student, you attend classes regularly. But classrooms are overcrowded. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college to provide sound- system for large classrooms.
  • 10. Suppose, there are very few books in your college library. No books are purchased in the last few years. The students feel the need to have more books in the library  because they can take much benefits from the library. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing the number of books in the college library. 
  • 11. An application to the Principal of your college for admission on T.C.
  • 12. Suppose, you are Abid and studying at ABC College in * Feni. Now on behalf of  the students of your college, write an application to the Principal of your college  to set up a debating club at your college.
  • 13. An application to the Principal of your college for improving computer lab facilities.
  • 14. An application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel. 
  • 15. An application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate. 
  • 16. An application to the Principal of your college for taking measures against outsiders in the college campus during class hours.
  • 17. An application to your Principal for increasing facilities in the college common room.
  • 18. An application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom or in the examination hall.
  • 19. An application to the Principal of your college to open a relief camp in your  college premises so that you can send relief goods to the flood affected people  in your locality.
  • 20. An application to the Principal of your college to set up a computer club. 

Letter Making Complaints

  • 21. Write a letter of complaint to the superintendent of Police to take steps against the antisocial activities in your area. 
  • 22. Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Cox’s Bazar. Write a letter to the Chairman of Electricity board of your district complaining about frequent power failure in your area. 
  • 23. Suppose, you sent five packages of books to Khulna through Zebra Courier Service. One package was missing at the time of delivery. Now write a letter to the customer service manager complaining about the missing goods.
  • 24. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining against the reckless driving of the motor cars in the streets.
  • 25. Recently you have purchased an electric rice cooker from an online shop. Having received it you found it was not functioning. Now you are to write them complaining  to replace it with a new one.

Letter Seeking Information

  • 26. Asking for further information about a tour
  • 27. Asking for further information about admission in Class XI
  • 28. Asking for further information about studying abroad 
  • 29. Asking for further information about the spoken English course under British Council
  • 30. Asking for further information about the flat to-let

(Or)Email writing[প্রশ্ন  10 নং এর জন্য ]


  1. Make your younger brother/sister aware of Covid-19 pandemic.***99%
  2. Importance of Reading Newspaper***99%
  3. Routine of the HSC Examination***99%
  4. Preparation for Ensuing Exam
  5. Telling the progress of Studies.***99%
  6. Congratulations on Brilliant Success. 
  7. Thanks for Birthday Gift.***99%
  8. Advising not to Waste Time Surfing Facebook.***99%
  9. Asking admission procedure for overseas students.

মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা বোর্ড ঢাকা, চট্টগ্রাম, কুমিল্লা, রাজশাহী, যশোর, বরিশাল,সিলেট দিনাজপুর,বাংলাদেশ কারিগরি শিক্ষা বোর্ড,মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষা বোর্ড, এর কমন সাজেশন ২০২৫

  • 1.Suppose, you are a student of Bangladesh. Write an e-mail to the admission section, Oxford University, asking them about admission procedure for overseas students. 
  • 2. Suppose, you are a student of the Department of English, Dhaka University. You  have received an e- mail from the Director of Bangla Academy to attend a seminar  on language study. Now, write a reply to that e-mail.
  • 3. Suppose, you are Masum, a student of class XI of Bogura Govt. College, Bogura. Your younger sister, Tabassum, is indifferent to multi-media class in her school. Send an e-mail to her as an advice on the importance of attending multi-media class regularly. 
  • 4. Write an e-mail to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for arranging relief facilities for the flood affected people.
  • 5. You are the manager of Evergreen Grocery Shop. Write an e-mail to the production manager of Pran Foods Ltd requesting him to supply you some food items for your shop.
  • 6. Write an e-mail to the President of Dhaka University Debating Society asking for  details of a debate competition.
  • 7. Suppose, you’re Meena. You’ve booked an air-ticket to visit India. But for some personal problems you want to cancel the booking. Now, write an e-mail to the Director of the Travel Agency to cancel the ticket. 
  • 8. Write an e-mail to the manager of a bank for cancelling a cheque.
  • 9. Suppose, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation has advertised in the newspaper offering a tour to the Cox’s Bazar sea beach. Now, write an e-mail to the Director of the Corporation asking details of the tour.
  • 10. Suppose, you love to participate in creative writing competition. Now, write an 
  •  e-mail to the Ekushey Organization expressing your wish to take part in their essay writing competition.
  • 11. Suppose, you are a resident of Chandpur town. In your area, anti-social activities  have increased manifold for the last few months. Now, write an e-mail to the officer  in-charge of your police station to take appropriate steps.
  • 12. Suppose, you are the Secretary of the Computer Club of your college. Write an e-mail to a computer accessories dealer requesting him to supply some computer accessories for your college.
  • 13. Suppose, you have bought a new Television set from the All Electro Bangladesh. It does not work properly. Now, write an e-mail to the Manager of All Electro  Bangladesh complaining about it. 
  • 14. Suppose, you are the secretary of the internet library club of your college. Now, read the following e-mail sent by an internet service providing company and  write a reply requesting the company manager to provide you with internet facilities for the upgradation of your library.

HSC /Alim Common Suggestion 2025

আজকের সাজেশস: ২০২৫ এইচএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র পরীক্ষার সাজেশন, ২০২৫ এইচএসসি বর্ষ ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সাজেশন,

PDF Download ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র এইচএসসি সুপার সাজেশন, ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র এইচএসসি সাজেশন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড, ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সাজেশন এইচএসসি, এইচএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সাজেশন, ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র এইচএসসি সাজেশন,

প্রশ্ন ও মতামত জানাতে পারেন আমাদের কে ইমেল :

আমরা আছি নিচের সামাজিক মাধ্যম গুলোতে ও

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