business communication suggestion Honours 2nd Year


Part : B
1. “Communication is the life blood of any organization ” – Explain. 100%
2. Discuss the functions of communication. 100%
3. Distinguish between formal and informal communication. 100%
4. Under what circumstances written communication is more effective? 100%
5. What factors should be considered drafting a resume? 100% asadsir.
6. Discuss the limitations or disadvantage of oral communication. 100%
7. How does verbal communication differ front non-verbal communication? 100%
8. Discuss the major media of internal communication. 99% asadsir.
9. Discuss the essential features of a market report. 99% asad sir.
10. Compare between agenda and minute. 99%
11. What do you mean by mass-communication? 99%
12. What is the mean by circular letter? 99%
13. What are the components of a formal report? 99%
14. What is Report? What is business report? 99%
15. State the Pre-requisites of a valid meeting. 98%

Part : C

a) What do you mean by a business report?
b) Draft a daily market report on vegetable market of Kawranbazar .asadsir.
a) What do you mean by a complaint letter?
b) Draft complaint letter to a supplier for supplying defective goods.
a) What do you mean by communication process?
b) Show the difference between communication model and communication process.
a) What do you mean by small group?
b) Discuss the roles of members in a group.
a) Discuss an interview process.
b) State the guidelines for the interviewee.
a) What are the media of visual communication?
b) Discuss the pre-requisites of a visual presentation.
a) What is communication Process?
b) Discuss the elements of communication process.
a) What do you mean by mass-communication?
b) Discuss the characteristics of mass-communication. asadsir.
a) Defined upward communication.
b) Write down the difference between upward and downward communication.
a) What are the uses of memo?
b) Narrate the merits of office memo.
a) What is videos conferencing? Briefly discuss the advantages of video conferencing.
b) Discuss the major media of electronic communication.
a) What do you mean by circular Letter.
b) Prepare a specimen copy of circular Letter.
a) What is application? What are the considering factors in writing an application?
b) In the Daily Star 20 August, 2018, Padma Bank Limited invites application for the post of management trainee. Write an application addressing the HRM Department. Asad Ahmed BD.
a) What is effective communication?
b) Discuss the essential quantities of good communication.
a) How can informal communication spreads rumor and distorted information quickly.
b) Draw the differences between formal and informal communication.

BBA (Hons) 2nd year

‘‘ Final advice for business communication and
Report writing.
F-1: The role of communication
Section B:

  1. ′ ′ Communication is the blood of any human life
    Organization ′ ′ – Explain.
  2. ′ Communication helps to increase communication
    Management Skills ′ ′ – Explain.
  3. What are the effective barriers? Contact?
  4. What is the reaction?
  5. Necessary to make the response effective Contact?
  6. Communication. What is meant by model of communication.
  7. Discuss 7C of effective communication.
  8. Discuss the field of communication.
  9. Discuss the purpose of the business Communication.
  10. Discuss communication work Business.
  11. Discuss the importance of communication Modern business.
  12. Discuss a good essential qualities Communication.
  13. Type of communication
    Section B:
  14. What is formal communication?
  15. What is horizontal communication?
  16. Discuss the qualities of horizontal Communication.
  17. What causes grapes to be active?
  18. Discuss the importance of mass Communication.
  19. Discuss different types of communication.
  20. Discuss the formal benefits Communication.
  21. Discuss the benefits of information Disc Communication.
  22. How you can communicate inferior Effective?
  23. Discuss the benefits of low quality Communication.
  24. Discuss the mass purpose Communication.
  25. Media Discuss various media Communication.
  26. What for pre-condition
    Mass communication is successful.
    F-3: Written communication
    Section B:
    Define written communication.
  27. Mention various media written
  28. Show the difference between oral and written Communication.
  29. Define a business letter.
    5 .. Specific draft of an order letter.
  30. No situation is written
    Is communication more effective?
    7 .. Discuss the qualities of an ideal business


  1. Enter the list
  2. State Little Citrusity
  3. General guidelines of CV
    F-4: Basic communication
    Section B:
  4. What is basic communication?
  5. What are the barriers?
  6. No matter will be considered
  7. Any discussion is fundamental Contact?
  8. Basic aspects / materials tax
    F-5: Non-verbal connection
    Section B:
  9. Non-basic communication
  10. Specify guidelines for solutions
  11. Indicate the audio-visual ads attachment
    4) What is the research environment Contact?
  12. Non-verbal symbol of the state
  13. How to communicate without
    F-6: Citizen Communication
    Section B:
    What is small group communication?
  14. Describe Shantrin Media
  15. Discuss in small groups
    F-7: Small communication technology
    Section B:
  16. What do you observe?
  17. Make email harmful.
  18. Define video conferencing.
  19. Watch the short image video image
  20. Review of electronic media
  21. What is technology ICT
  22. Describe the components of electronics communication.
    F-8: Office Memos
    Section B:
  23. Office Memor Rahman’s tax.
  24. What is the use of officer memo?
  25. Must see content description
    Memory composition.
    4) See the address of Officer Memories
  26. Remember.
  27. Show the difference between letter and memory.
    F-9: Technical report
    Section B:
  28. Researcher report?
  29. What is a teacher reporter?
  30. Do market test test features
  31. Examine a good report.
  32. View as a Technology Reporter.
  33. Showing the steps of the official report
  34. A good report is made.
  35. Submit helpful reports on stock marketing
    F-10: At ease
    Section B:
  36. What is a jam?
  37. Mention the features of a good order letter
  38. Do the serial number of the food letter
    Notification Features
  39. The draft is a trade
    Chain: The artist who opens a new store, a
    Gulshan – 2, .ka.
  40. The draft is a chargesheet for any official communication
    For defective product suppliers.
  41. Save a specified copy of the notification.
    C-11: Communication
    Section B:
  42. What is a CV?
  43. What is the content of a writing
  44. Which leads to a better life.
    Share – C:
  45. Save a standard format of CV.
  46. What are the good CV features?
  47. A valid pre-test status of the server.
  48. Written for the position Accounts Officer of Grameenphone Limited Some additions
  49. WWW
  50. CV
  51. SMS mms.
  52. DD.
  53. VVP.
  54. VNP
  55. HTP.
  56. NWD.
  57. IP.
  58. HRM. Some small notes
  59. WhatsApp
  60. Executive summary.
  61. Quorum.
  62. Scientific warming
  63. Web server.
  64. Situation
  65. Voice mail.
  66. Internet.
  67. Mobile banking.
  68. E-Commerce.
  69. Formal communication.
  70. Upward communication.
  71. Grapes.
  72. Search papers.
