Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the tex

Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the tex

1.         A  good student is (a) mind to his (b) study. He is (c) respect to his (d) teach. He doesn’t (e) honour  (f)  body. He is free from (g) conduct. He is (h) study. He is not (i) sincere in his study. He maintain ( j)  punctual.


1.         a) mindful

            b) studies 

            c) respectful 

            d) teachers 

            e) dishonour  

            f) anybody  

            g) misconduct   

            h) studious   

            i) insincere   

            J) punctuality

2.         Most students get (a) nerve about (b) examine. As a result, they often forget the answers they get by heart. They fail to answer the questions (c) proper . Many parents put (d) due (e) press on their (f) child. This in turn makes them all the more (g) tense. During the exam there are (h)   vigilators. They are (i) teach who watch over the (j) exam.


2.         a) nervous 

            b) examination 

            c) properly 

            d) undue 

            e) pressure  

            f) children  

            g) tensed 

            h) invigilators  

            i) teacher 

            j) examination

[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]

3.         a) Teach is a noble (b) profess. In the classroom a good (c) teach acts like an (d) act. He teaches (e) moral among the students. Moreover, he makes the students (f) dated. He also advises them to avoid (g) fairmeans in the (h) examinee  hall. A teacher is thought to be the (i) build of a nation. So, he must be (j)  selfish and devoted to his work.


3.    a) Teaching 

            b) profession 

            c) teacher  d) actor       e) morality 

            f) updated   

            g) unfair means

            h) examination 

            i) builder 

            j) unselfish

4.         (a) Honest is the best of all virtues. An honest man is always (b) truth. He is never (c) harm to anybody. Nobody is   (d) satisfied with him. On the other hand, everybody (e) likes a (f) honest man. People remember an honest man (g) respectful even after his death. (h) With honesty, happiness is (i) possible. So, we should always try to follow the path of (j) honest in every sphere of our life.


4.         a) Honesty  b) truthful  c) harmful 

            d) dissatisfied  

            e) dislikes  

            f) dishonest   

            g) respectfully

            h) Without 

            i) impossible  

            j) honesty

[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]

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