Honors 2nd Year Romantic Poetry Suggestion 2025
Honors 2nd Year Romantic Poetry Suggestion,Romantic Poetry Suggestion PDF,Honors Romantic Poetry Suggestion, Romantic Poetry Honors 2nd Year Exam Suggestion PDF
অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের রোমান্টিক কবিতা সাজেশন 2025
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অনার্স পাস এবং সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স ২য় বর্ষের BA, BSS, BBA & BSC অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের [২০১৩-১৪ এর সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী] রোমান্টিক কবিতা (Romantic Poetry) সুপার সাজেশন Department of : English & Other Department Subject Code: 221103 |
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রোমান্টিক কবিতা অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ সাজেশন 2025
William Blake
- How do the chimney sweeper cry?
- What is a Holy Thursday?
- What does Blake criticize in ‘Holy Thursday’?
- What is a Bard?
- Why does Blake choose a hollow reed to make his pen?
- What evils of society are attacked in ‘London’?
- Why is Jesus Christ called the lamb?
- Which three classes are represented in the poem ‘London’?
- Who is Tom Dacre?
- What did Tom see in his Dream?
- What does the child on a cloud represent?
- What is noticed in every face in ‘London’?
- What does Blake mean by “chartered street”?
- Name two groups of poems William Blake has written.
- How does William Blake spell the word “tiger”?
William Wordsworth - When did the Romantic Age in English literature begin?
- Who are the Lake Poets?
- What is the doctrine of pre-existence of human soul?
- Who is “She” in ‘London 1802’?
- What is the full title of Wordsworth’s ‘Immortality Ode’?
- What is the full title of the poem ‘Tintern Abbey’?
- When was the poem ‘Tintern Abbey’ written?
- What is an Abbey?
- Why has England become a fen of stagnant waters?
- Who does English need Milton?
- What does the phrase “Abraham’s Bosom” mean?
- What is the name of Wordsworth’s sister?
- What do you mean by the “aching joys”?
- What do the meanest flowers reveal to the poet?
- What is Wordsworth’s reaction to Lucy’s untimely death?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge - What is a Ballad?
- Who is called the poet of supernaturalism?
- How did the Ancient Mariner begin his story?
- Who are the two voices in the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’?
- Who were the crews of the spectre ship?
- How many sailors were on the board of the ship?
- How many people were in the skeleton ship and what were they doing?
- What is an albatross?
- Why did the old sailor kill the albatross?
- What is the moral of the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’?
- What does “a sunless sea” signify?
- Why did Coleridge regard ‘Kubla Khan’ as a fragment?
- Who was Kubla Khan?
- What is Xanadu?
- What is the central image in the poem ‘Kubla Khan’?
- What was the damsel doing in the poem ‘Kubla Khan’?
- What was the Abyssinian maiden doing?
- What is a dulcimer?
- What is the Alpheus?
- What does “the sacred river” symbolize?
Lord Byron - What are the features of a Byronic hero?
- Which stanza form is used in ‘Don Juan’?
- Where was Don Juan born?
- How was Juan in his childhood?
- How did Juan learn?
- How was Juan detected in Julia’s bedroom?
- How did Juan manage to flee?
- Who are Juan’s parents?
- Who was Don Jose?
- Who was Antonia?
- Whom did Julia marry?
- What is sweeter than all other things?
- What was Donna Inez’s noblest virtue?
- What was the cause of quarrel between Don Jose and Donna Inez?
- What happens to Julia at the end of Canto I of ‘Don Juan’?
Percy Bysshe Shelley - What is Pastoral Poetry?
- What is an elegy?
- What is a skylark?
- What does the poet call the skylark?
- Why does Shelley call skylark scorner of the ground?
- From where does the skylark sing?
- What is meant by “unbodied joy”?
- What is ‘Adonais’?
- Who is Adonais?
- Why does Shelley regret in ‘Adonais’?
John Keats - What is an Ode?
- Who called the poet of beauty?
- What is an urn?
- Who was Urania?
- “Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter” – In which Ode do you find this line?
- Who was George Chapman?
- Who is Homer?
- How does Keats enjoy Homer?
- Who is Bacchus?
- Who is Ruth?
- Who was Cortez?
- Which particular word brings Keats back from the world of his imagination?
- How does the poet want to fly with the Nightingale?
- “No, no I go not to Lethe” – Whom does Keats address here?
- Why does Keats heart ache?
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রোমান্টিক কবিতা অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ সুপার সাজেশন PDF Download 2025
William Blake
1) What do you know about Holy Thursday?
2) What kind of person is the nurse in the ‘Songs of Innocence’?
3) How are the lamb, the child and Christ connected?
4) How is tiger different from the lamb?
5) How does Blake criticize society in the poem ‘London’?
6) Describe the conditions of the chimney sweepers.
William Wordsworth
7) What does Wordsworth advise his sister Dorothy in ‘Tintern Abbey’?
8) What “loss” does the poet refer to in ‘Tintern Abbey’?
9) Why does Wordsworth request Milton to return to London?
10) What are the losses and gains in life as mentioned in the poem ‘Immortality Ode’?
11) How does Wordsworth treat childhood?
12) What is Wordsworth’s idea of immortality of human soul in ‘Immortality Ode’?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
13) Write a short note on supernaturalism.
14) Write a short note on the Wedding Guest.
15) Draw the significance of Death and Life-in-Death.
16) Why did the old sailor shoot the albatross?
17) Describe the imaginary palace of Kubla Khan.
18) What romantic elements do you find in ‘Kubla Khan’?
Lord Byron
19) What is poetic license?
20) Briefly state the theme of ‘Don Juan, Canto I’.
21) What do you know about the education of Donna Inez.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
22) Describe the procession of mourners in ‘Adonais’.
23) What appeal does Shelley make to the skylark? Why?
24) Evaluate Shelley as an optimistic poet.
25) What are the similes used in Skylark?
John Keats
26) What is Hellenism?
27) What is Negative Capability?
28) What is depicted on the Urn?
29) Describe the effect of the song of the Nightingale on the poet.
30) What is the reaction of Keats after reading Chapman’s Homer?
William Blake
- Comment on Blake’s treatment of childhood with reference to his poems.
- Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘Tyger’.
William Wordsworth - What are the three stages of growth that Wordsworth refers to in ‘Tintern Abbey’.
- Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘London 1802’.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge - ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is an allegory of crime, punishment and redemptions. Discuss.
- ‘Kubla Khan’ is a product of sheer fancy. Discuss.
Lord Byron - Write a note on the autobiographical elements in Byron’s poetry.
- What are the features of a Byronic hero? Discuss with reference to ‘Don Juan, Canto I’.
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Discuss ‘Adonais’ as a pastoral elegy.
- Write a note on Shelley’s treatment of nature in ‘Adonais’.
John Keats - Evaluate John Keats as a poet of beauty and sensuousness.
- Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his Odes.
2025 রোমান্টিক কবিতা অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ সাজেশন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড
Part-C : Broad Questions
William Blake
1. Comment on Blake’s treatment of childhood with reference to his poems.
2. Bing out the mystified elements in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience.
3. How does Blake represent two contrary states of human soul?
4. Give the critical appreciation of the poem ‘London’.
William Wordsworth
1. Discuss the theme of loss and recompense in immortality Ode.
2. How is Wordsworth different from Coleridge as a romantic poet?
3. What are the three stages of growth that Wordsworth refers to in “Tintern Abbey”?
4. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “London 1802”.
5. Comment on Wordsworth’s attitude to childhood with reference to his poems.
S. T. Coleridge
1. ‘The Poem “Kubla Khan” itself is an explanation of romanticism’. Discuss.
2. How does Coleridge create an atmosphere of mystery and magic in Kubla Khan.
3. “Kubla Khan is a product of sheer fancy”-Discuss. / dream poem.
4. How does Coleridge mingle natural and supernatural in the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’?
Lord Byron
1. Write a note on the romantic elements in Byron.
2. Comment on the poetic style in Don Juan.
3. What are the features of a Byronic hero? Discuss with reference to Canto of Don Juan.
4. Don Juan Canto-l’ is a social satire. Discuss.
P. B. Shelley
1. Discuss Shelley’s use of imagery in his poem “To a Skylark”.
2. Write a note on Shelly’s treatment of nature in Adonais.
3. How does Shelley idealize the bird ‘Skylark’?
John Keats
1. How has Keats established the supremacy of art over life in “Ode on a Grecian Urn”?
2. Comment on Keats’ attitude to Melancholy.
3. Do you think Keats wants to escape from reality? Justify your answer from your study of Keats.
4. Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his odes.
5. How is the world of mankind contrasted with that of the Nightingale in ‘Ode to a Nightingale’?
[ বি:দ্র: উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
PDF Download রোমান্টিক কবিতা অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ সুপার সাজেশন 2025
Part-A: Brief Question with Answers
William Blake
Songs of Innocence
1. What conventional figures of innocence are introduced in Introduction to Songs of Innocence?
Ans. The poem introduces us to conventional figures of innocence: a shepherd with his pipe, and a child in a rural setting.
2. Who is the piper referred to in Introduction to Songs of Innocence?
Ans. The piper referred to in this poem is the poet Blake himself.
3. What did the poet do while wandering through the valleys?
Ans. He was piping songs of joy on his pipe while wandering through the valleys.
4. What did the poet see in his vision while piping songs of joy on his pipe?
Ans. In his vision he saw a child on a cloud while piping songs of joy on his pipe.
5. What kind of child did the poet see on a cloud?
Ans. The poet saw a mystic child on a cloud.
6. What does the child on a cloud represent?
Ans. The child may refer to Jesus Christ who speaks from a cloud i.e. heaven or it may be an angel representing innocence.
7. What does the “Lamb” symbolise?
Ans. The “Lamb” symbolises innocence and Christ.
8. Why does the child vanish from the sight of the poet?
Ans. The child vanishes from the sight of the poet for he is a vision symbolising the poet’s imagination.
9. How many times did the child weep?
Ans. The child wept two times-first hearing the piping, and next listening to the songs of joy.
10. How does the poet represent himself in the poem?
Ans. He represents himself as a shepherd-boy carrying a shepherd’s pipe.
William Wordsworth
1. What is the extension of Romantic age?
Ans. Romantic age extends from 1798 to 1832.
2. What is Romanticism?
Ans. Romanticism is a literary movement in art, music and literature against the set rules of the classical literature.
3. Why is the Romantic age termed as Romantic Revival?
Ans. Romantic age is termed as the period of Romantic Revival because the glorious production of the age had a close kinship with the Elizabethan age.
4. Who is considered as the father of Romanticism?
Ans. Rousseau, the French philosopher, is considered as the father of Romanticism.
5. What is Poet Laureate?
Ans. It is a title given to a poet who is appointed by the British sovereign to compose poems for state functions.
6. Who are the ‘Lake poets’?
Ans. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey are called Lake poets because at one time or another, they lived in the Lake country of northwestern England.
S. T. Coleridge
1. Why is Coleridge called the most representative of all English romantic poets?
Ans. He is called the most representative of all English romantic because he presents in his work almost all the triumphs and perils of the romantic spirit.
2. Who planned to write The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
Ans. Both Wordsworth and Coleridge planned to write The Rime of the Ancient Mariner on Nov. 20, 1797, when they were walking in the Quantocks.
3. On what was The Rime of the Ancient Mariner founded?
Ans. The poem was founded on a dream of Coleridge’s friend, Cruikshank.
4. What is an argument?
Ans. An argument is a brief summary of the plot prefixed to a literary work. It is a prose statement summarising the plot or stating the meaning of a long poem.
5. How did the Ancient Mariner stop one of the three wedding guests?
Ans. The Ancient Mariner stopped one of the three wedding guests by his long grey beard and glittering eye.
6. What does the Glittering eye suggest?
Ans. Glittering eye is a mark of intelligence or of great will power which the Ancient Mariner exercises over the wedding guest whom he stopped.
7. How many sailors were there on the board of the ship?
Ans. There were two hundred and one sailors including the old mariner on the board of the ship.
8. What is a bassoon?
Ans. A bassoon is a wind instrument producing a deep sound.
9. What is an Albatross?
Ans. An Albatross is a large sea-bird found mostly in the tropics particularly in the south of the Cape of Good Hope.
10. What kind of bird is the Albatross?
Ans. The Albatross is a bird of good-omen.
Lord Byron
1. How is Byronic hero?
Ans. The Byronic hero is gloomy, weary, restless, and stricken with grief, remorse and wonder.
2. What type of satirist is Byron?
Ans. His satire is always light hearted, marred by personal aims against the persons attacked.
3. What type of hero does Byron want for his poem?
Ans. He wants an uncommon hero for his poem.
4. Why does the poet want an uncommon hero?
Ans. The traditional hero is a man of strong personality. So the poet wants an uncommon hero to expose the hypocrisy and corruption of the high society.
5. Whom does the poet take as the hero for his poem?
Ans. He takes Don Juan as the hero for his poem.
6. “We all have seen him in the pantomime”-What is pantomime?
Ans. Pantomime is a type of play with music, dancing and jokes.
7. Who is Wellesley?
Ans. Arthur Wellesley, a soldier and statesman, was the first Duke of Wellington.
8. What were The Moniteur and The Courier?
Ans. The Moniteur was a weekly political paper founded in 1755 by Richard Beckford and The Courier was an evening newspaper.
9. “There’s no more to be said to Trafalgar”-What is Trafalgar?
Ans. It is the name of a place situated in the south-east of Spain. where Nelson, a British naval officer, won the famous naval victory over France in 1805.
10. “Brave man were living before Agamemnon”-Who was Agamemnon?
Ans. He was the hero of Aeschylus’s tragedy Agamemnon and the central character of Homer’s Iliad.
P. B. Shelley
1. What was the nickname of Shelley?
Ans. At twelve he entered Eton School where he was nicknamed “mad Shelley”.
2. Why was Shelley expelled from the Oxford University?
Ans. He was expelled from the Oxford University for publishing the pamphlet, The Necessity of Atheism (1811).
3. What kind of poet is Shelley?
Ans. Shelley is a revolutionary poet.
4. What did Shelley teach in his poetry?
Ans. He preached human perceptibility and ’emancipation of the spirit’ in his poetry.
Part-B : Short Questions
William Blake
1. Why is Blake called a precursor of romanticism?
2. What do the songs of innocence teach us about life?
3. Comment on the use of irony in Holy Thursday.
4. How does Introduction to Songs of Innocence differ from Introduction to Songs of Experience?
5. Describe the tiger as is created by its Creator.
William Wordsworth
1. What followed the ‘loss’?
2. Who is Dorothy?
3. What is pre-natal existence of the human soul?
4. What are the losses and gains in life as mentioned in the poem “Immortality Ode”?
5. What is an ode?
S. T. Coleridge
1. Describe the sufferings of the Ancient Mariner for killing the Albatross?
2. What is ballad?
Write a short note on ‘ballad’.
3. Is The Rime of the Ancient Mariner a ballad?
4. What is an allegory?
5. Is The Rime of the Ancient Mariner an allegory?
Lord Byron
1. Comment on Byron as a satirist?
What things does Byron want to satirize in the poem “Don Juan”?
2. Why is he called a romantic paradox?
3. What do you know about the education of Donne Inez? Write in brief.
4. What do you know about Julia’s parentage?
5. What does the poetic licence allow Byron to narrate?
P. B. Shelley
1. Cite examples of similes from To a Skylark.
What are the similes used in “To a Skylark”?
2. Why is the skylark’s song so perfect?
3. What does the skylark symbolize?
4. How does Shelley idealize the skylark?
5. What do you know about the myth of Adonis?
Describe, in brief, the myth of Adonis.
John Keats
1. Describe Melancholy’s relation with Beauty and Joy.
2. What is her relation with Delight?
3. Point out Keats’ Hellenism in Ode on a Grecian Urn?
4. How does Keats establish the superiority of the Grecian Urn over all other earthly things?
5. What do you know about the Grecian Urn?
Write a short note on ‘the Grecian Urn’.
Part-C : Broad Questions
William Blake
1. Comment on Blake’s treatment of childhood with reference to his poems.
2. Bing out the mystified elements in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience.
3. How does Blake represent two contrary states of human soul?
4. Give the critical appreciation of the poem ‘London’.
William Wordsworth
1. Discuss the theme of loss and recompense in immortality Ode.
2. How is Wordsworth different from Coleridge as a romantic poet?
3. What are the three stages of growth that Wordsworth refers to in “Tintern Abbey”?
4. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “London 1802”.
5. Comment on Wordsworth’s attitude to childhood with reference to his poems.
S. T. Coleridge
1. ‘The Poem “Kubla Khan” itself is an explanation of romanticism’. Discuss.
2. How does Coleridge create an atmosphere of mystery and magic in Kubla Khan.
3. “Kubla Khan is a product of sheer fancy”-Discuss. / dream poem.
4. How does Coleridge mingle natural and supernatural in the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’?
Lord Byron
1. Write a note on the romantic elements in Byron.
2. Comment on the poetic style in Don Juan.
3. What are the features of a Byronic hero? Discuss with reference to Canto of Don Juan.
4. Don Juan Canto-l’ is a social satire. Discuss.
P. B. Shelley
1. Discuss Shelley’s use of imagery in his poem “To a Skylark”.
2. Write a note on Shelly’s treatment of nature in Adonais.
3. How does Shelley idealize the bird ‘Skylark’?
John Keats
1. How has Keats established the supremacy of art over life in “Ode on a Grecian Urn”?
2. Comment on Keats’ attitude to Melancholy.
3. Do you think Keats wants to escape from reality? Justify your answer from your study of Keats.
4. Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his odes.
5. How is the world of mankind contrasted with that of the Nightingale in ‘Ode to a Nightingale’?
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Honors 2nd year Common Suggestion 2025
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