বিষয়: hsc paragraph for Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh paragraph,ssc paragraph for Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh paragraph,jsc paragraph for Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh paragraph,class 10 paragraph for Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh
Write a paragraph on „Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh”
Fisheries are one of our national resources. Bengalis have traditionally been associated with fisheries which is reflected in the ancient proverb mache bhate Bengali. Because rice and fish are the staple foods in the Bengali diet. Not only this, fish is one of the sources of financial development of our country, which earns a large amount of foreign exchange. Due to the unavailability and low price of meat, only fish has earned the reputation of ‘poor man’s meat’. But due to various reasons, this wealth of our country is almost on the verge of extinction. So we need to make the steps taken by the government a reality to protect this precious resource.
Introduction : Fish and rice Bengali – This is an old saying in Bangladesh. Fish is the favorite food of the people of riverine Bangladesh. A lot of fish are available in the rivers and canals, canals and lakes of our country. Moreover, rivers and canals, canals, ponds, seas and reservoirs are suitable for fish farming. The wheel of our national economy will be active in fish farming, which is known as the meat of the poor. However, despite the huge potential in Bangladesh, no plan has been adopted for fisheries.
Source of fish: Rivers, canals, canals, ponds, hoards, reservoirs etc. are the main sources of fish. Riverine Bangladesh is dotted with rivers, canals, ponds, hoards and reservoirs, which are suitable for freshwater fish farming. And the estimated amount of this water body is about 7,240 kilometers long rivers, about six lakh ponds, numerous canals and rivers. Moreover, we have the advantage of marine fishing in shallow sea water. The main fishing centers are: Kutubdia, Senadia, Saint Martin Island, Dublar Char, Cox’s Bazar, Rangabali and Baishdia. Khepupara, Gayaland, Ashuganj and Bhairab are used as inland fisheries centers. Moreover, high quality fish harbors are being constructed in Chittagong and Chila.
Types of fish: Main fisheries There are two types of fish available in this country. Namely – fresh water or fresh water fish and small water fish. Most of the fish in Bangladesh are freshwater fish. Among the large fresh water fishes are: Rui, Katla, Pangash, Bayal, Chital, Mrigel, Shell, Ai, Gajar, Baghair, Coral, Lumpy and Bagda shrimp etc. And small fishes include – Sarpunti, Koi, Guji, Punti, Bain, Chanda, Titpunti, Phalai, Gelsa bau, Chela, Bele, Foli, Pabda, Shing, Magur, Chela, Mala, Dhela, Tangra, Latka, Mawa, Khaeksha. , Guija, Kalabata, Ghaura, Khalshe, Raina etc. A large number of fish such as Koi, Punti, Shing, Magur, Chela, Mala, Dhela, Pabda, Shael, Taki etc. are available in Khal-Bil, Howrah.
Fish as food: Fish is one of the favorite foods of Bengalis. Fish is one of the sources of animal meat. This nutritious food is also delicious. No one is generally averse to eating fish. Rich and poor, young and old all love to eat fish. A protein rich diet is beneficial for everyone. About 60 percent of the animal meat in the daily diet comes from fish. As in this It fulfills our nutritional deficiencies and also keeps us free from various diseases.
Livelihood Fish: Many people in the villages of Bangladesh are involved in the fishing profession, whose main means of livelihood is fish. The practice of fishing and fishing started from ancient times, which is still maintained by people as a livelihood occupation. About 10 percent of the total population in Bangladesh are fishermen directly and indirectly.
Fish as a foreign exchange earner: Currently, fish is the second largest export sector. Clothing in the country’s export sector Fish ranks after industry. Bangladesh exports different types of fish every year and the role of shrimp and hilsa export is the biggest in earning a lot of foreign exchange. 5% of our national income is earned by exporting fish and fish products. An average of 400 (four hundred) crores of rupees is earned every year by exporting fish. The income from this sector is increasing day by day. There is a huge potential for fisheries in our country. Because there is a huge demand for Hilsa, Shotki and Lobster in the foreign market. A large part of Bangladesh’s coastline has suitable areas for shrimp farming.
Reasons for Extinction of Fishery Resources: Bangladesh, built on a diverse aquatic environment, was once a treasure of fish. At present, due to various reasons, the fish of our country is almost on the verge of extinction. Fish in open water in particular are declining at a steep rate. The main reason is lack of water. India has built dams on the Ganges. As a result, during the dry season, our country’s rivers, canals and canals dry up. Fish breeding grounds and habitats have been destroyed. The population in our country is increasing at a huge rate, so they are building houses and roads by filling canals, ponds and ponds. As a result, fisheries are declining. This means that fish are not able to breed and food sources are constantly shrinking and becoming polluted.
Ways to protect fisheries: The role of fisheries in keeping the wheels of our country’s economy moving is undeniable. Therefore, it is important to protect the fisheries resources to keep the economy of our country prosperous. The main way to protect our country’s fisheries from destruction is to implement the Ganga Water Sharing Agreement with India.
Government initiative to protect fishery resources: The government’s special initiative to protect Bangladesh’s fishery resources from extinction is noteworthy. The government has already taken various steps to protect fish resources and increase fish production. The government has provided loans to fish farmers to increase fish farming.
আরো ও সাজেশন:-
OR, Write a paragraph on „Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh”
Bangladesh is very rich in marine waters, which covers an area of 165,887 km2 that is greater than the land area. Total continental shelf area covers roughly 66,400 km2 and the EEZ spans 166,000 km2 towards open sea, which is bigger than the land area and its jurisdiction is up to 200 nautical miles seawards from the beach baseline and is now under the economic jurisdiction of the country for exploration, exploitation, conservation and management of its resources. The continental slope is about 100,000 km2 .
The coastal area is generally shallow where 10 m depth zone spans over 24,000 km2 , 0-40 m depth zone spans around 37,000 km2 from the beach base line and 40-100 m depth zone spans around 20,700 km2 (GA 2012). The shelf area of 150 m depth appears to be smooth, few obstacles for bottom trawling, and the continental edge occurs at 160-180 m depths. The slope of continental edge is very steep and seems trawling is not possible in waters deeper than 180 m (Khan et al. 1997). The entire shelf area of Bangladesh (up to 200 m depth contour) covers about 70,000 km2 (Khan 1985).
Brief idea about common terminology used for defining various areas according to distances from the coast line and depths are given below: Internal water: Up to 10 fathom (20 m approximately) depth from the coast line is regarded as internal water. State reserves the right of use and control of all resources and implements any law; no foreign vessels are allowed to pass through this water. Territorial water: Up to 12 nautical miles from the coast base line is regarded as territorial water. State reserves the right of use and control of all resources and implements any law. Foreign ships can pass through this area as ‘innocent passage’ hoisting her own and the territorial state’s flag but not the military vessels;
they are only allowed to pass through this water with transit permit. Concerned territorial country reserves the right of temporary suspending passage of all ships because of security reasons. Contiguous zone: Up to 24 nautical miles from the coast base line is regarded as contiguous zone. Usually known as the sea navigation route, territorial country reserves 4 the right of implementing of tax collection, customs and immigration and pollution control. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): Up to 200 nautical miles from the coast base line is regarded as EEZ (Table 1).
Territorial state reserves the right of use and control of all resources and implements any law. But passage of ships and air craft over this area will remain independent but foreign countries can set ‘submerged pipe lines’ and ‘cable lines’.
রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
OR, Write a paragraph on „Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh”
Bangladesh is most at risk from climate change. The country will face the greatest danger from global warming in the next 3 decades. In addition, poverty and large low-lying coastal regions prone to annual floods and cyclones were among factors making Bangladesh the number 1 exposed country to climate change . Climate change have devastating impacts on fishery-based livelihoods and on domestic food supply. World’s biggest mangrove can be smeared out by a one- meter rise in sea level . In addition, erratic and irregular rainfall as well as temperature change will affect the readiness, maturity and gonad development of fishes in breeding season. As a result, the production of eggs and carp fry has been declined in Halda river .
In the same time, changes in temperature and dissolved oxygen affect plankton productivity in the water bodies . The deteriorated water quality is tended to escalate disease outbreaks, reduce fish growth, production and species composition [33, 34]. Total number of freshwater fish species in Bangladesh ranges from 250 to 260 but IUCN assessed 253 fish species of which 64 species are under threatened category. 9 species are critically endangered, 30 species are endangered and 25 species are vulnerable [36]. Moreover, the marine fisheries were constrained mainly by lack of awareness about modern aquaculture techniques like cage culture, lack of inadequate facilities in relation to information, communication, transportation and market, lack of skilled manpower in this field, lack of financial support and loan facilities to the sector
The government of the Bangladesh should develop appropriate policy and take proper initiatives for protection and conservation of inland fisheries resources. To realize the problems, there is a need to control pollution, prevent further deterioration of water flows and shrinkage of water-bodies through infrastructures, like embankment, roads, urban housing projects, and industrialization. Moreover, to overcome these problems, it is important to maintain good quality brood fish (indigenous and exotic carp species) with conserving the natural breeding, spawning, nursery and growout areas. In addition, establishment and maintain fish sanctuaries in certain eco-sensitive areas like the sundarbans, kaptai lake, rivers, floodplains. Training facilities should be provided to the fishermen and maintain quality fish seed and supply good quality fish feed at any time. The conservation strategy includes the seasonal ban, gear restriction, species restriction.
- Honors 2nd year suggestion
- অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের সাজেশন
- ডিগ্রি ৩য় বর্ষের সাজেশন (১০০% কমন ডাউনলোড করুন), ডিগ্রি ৩য় বর্ষের পরীক্ষার সাজেশন [নিশ্চিত ১০০% কমন সকল বিষয়ে]
OR, Write a paragraph on „Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh”
Bangladesh being a first line littoral state of the Indian Ocean has a very good source of marine resources in the Bay of Bengal. The country has an exclusive economic zone of 41,000 square miles (110,000 km2), which is 73% of the country’s land area. On the other hand, Bangladesh is a small and developing country overloaded with almost unbearable pressure of human population.
In the past, people of Bangladesh were mostly dependent upon land-based proteins. But, the continuous process of industrialisation and urbanisation consumes the limited land area. Now there is no other way than to harvest the vast under water protein from the Bay of Bengal, which can meet the country’s demand.
More than 80 percent of the animal protein in the Bangladeshi diet comes from fish. Fish accounted for 6 percent of GDP in the fiscal year of 1970, nearly 50 percent more than modern industrial manufacturing at that time. Most commercial fishermen are low-caste Hindus who eke out the barest subsistence working under primitive and dangerous conditions.
They bring a high degree of skill and ingenuity to their occupation; a few of the most enterprising ones are aided by domesticated otters, which behave like shepherds, swimming underwater, driving fish toward the fisherman’s net (and being rewarded themselves with a share of the catch). Fish for local consumption are generally of freshwater varieties.
As of the end of 1987, prevailing methods for culturing shrimp in Bangladesh were still relatively unsophisticated, and average yields per hectare were low. In the late 1980s, almost all inland shrimping was done by capture rather than by intensive aquaculture. Farmers relied primarily on wild postlarval and juvenile shrimp as their sources of stock, acquired either by trapping in ponds during tidal water exchange or by gathering from local estuaries and stocking directly in the ponds. Despite the seemingly low level of technology applied to shrimp aquaculture, it became an increasingly important part of the frozen seafood industry in the mid-1980s. The shrimp farming industry in Bangladesh has been handicapped by low-quality and low prices.[citation needed]
The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank financed projects to develop shrimp aquaculture in the 1980s. Much of the emphasis was on construction of modern hatcheries. Private investors were also initiating similar projects to increase capacity and to introduce modern technology that would increase average yields. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has provided assistance to the shrimp and fishing industry in meeting fish safety and quality control standards based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach.
Shrimp in the wild are associated with mangrove. Mangrove estuaries such as those found in the Sundarbans of southwestern Bangladesh are especially rich productive ecosystems and provide the spawning grounds for shrimp and fish. Intensive shrimp farming often involves conversion of mangrove stands to brine ponds where shrimp are grown.
[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
OR, Write a paragraph on „Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh”
রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
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- Honors 2nd year suggestion
- অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের সাজেশন