বিষয়: Importance of technical education in Bangladesh essay for class 12,Importance of technical education in Bangladesh essay 150 words,
Importance of technical education in Bangladesh essay class 6,Importance of technical education in Bangladesh essay class 8,200 words Importance of technical education in Bangladesh essay
Importance of technical education in Bangladesh
All throughout the last century, formal education grew in importance and scope with more and more students opting for higher education in the fields of medicine, engineering and maths.
Many went on to get bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and acquire high paying white-collar jobs.
What was frowned upon was technical education, as more students saw themselves sitting in plush offices and doing brainwork rather than being on the field and using their skills.
As a result, the field of technical education – which requires skills, strength and sometimes, physical labour – suffered. Blue-collar jobs were frowned upon.
But now, as the world sentiment moves towards equity, more and more students are inclined towards technical education that imparts knowledge of practical and important jobs while promoting independent workers and entrepreneurs.
Many international schools are now offering technical skills right from the primary level to encourage students to hone their skills and develop inherent talents.
International schools in Abu Dhabi, Mumbai, Dubai agree that technical skills are a type of hard skill since they are something that can be taught in a classroom. Here’s why:
Skills Worth Acquiring
Technical education is knowledge about finer skills in life, which give an added advantage to students besides mainstream education.
Skills like audio editing, video editing, voice modulation, recording, etc are interesting sets of skills that require a finer and more nuanced understanding.
These skills are usually found in students who are artistically inclined or have a softer side to their academic persona, allowing them to experiment and explore rather than follow the rules and stay within the lines.
Students are breaking free of traditional career options like that of a doctor, lawyer, engineer, and instead of trying to make a break for jobs that require far more technical knowledge like sound or video editing.
For Eg: A voice artist is a special individual who has taught himself/herself a skill that is not everyone’s cup of tea. This is an extremely diverse field that is often looked over by others.
The Importance of a Technical Education
● Technical education encourages self-learning and independence.
● It offers employment opportunities that are skill-based and nuanced.
● Technical education has various levels of studies and a lot of different degrees too. There are diploma levels, graduate degree levels, postgraduate degree levels, research levels, and even special industrial training institutes for technical education in the world.
● Many of the above mentioned educational levels offer specialized courses in various technical fields. This is to adjust to the different sides of technological development and the following economic progress.
● The standard of technical education is maintained around the world with the help of international level councils and universities. They generally deal with forming standards and norms and keeping them consistent.
● Technical education is one of the very few fields that can provide assured sources of income for those who have proper technical skills. These jobs pay well enough for individuals to get by in a very comfortable manner.
● Many students of technical education have started their own companies or small scale businesses and have managed to provide job opportunities to other educated hands as well.
● Technical education schemes do have brilliant opportunities for education, employment, and even internships for those who are new to the business or just want to try it out.
Advantages of a Technical Education
Students of an international school in Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Malaysia, and other big cities around the world have to make decisions about their careers by the end of their final year of high school.
This seems like a very young age but usually, children know their talents and strengths by that point in time.
Many students of technical education opt for jobs while others opt to attend international technical colleges like Caltech, MIT, etc.
Here are some of the major advantages of early technical education.
Financial Benefits
Local technical school degree courses or diploma courses are not as expensive as regular four-year courses at colleges. This is mainly due to the shorter length of the technical courses.
They also give students the added benefit of joining a workforce directly in their stream of choice.
Career Advice
High schools focusing on technical education often have more career advice to offer to their students than schools that focus on their regular subjects in academics.
This generally tends to include a larger amount of career advice sessions, skill development workshops, and their teachers being able to offer more advice to the students.
Many high-end technical institutions have connections with higher education institutions and companies that perpetually require fresh faces working in their technical divisions.
Smaller Classes
The class strengths for technical fields are much smaller. This is because the students have different interests and there is a wide array of courses that they can choose from.
This automatically splits the students up into smaller groups, allowing them to pursue their favored subjects.
This also permits them to get adequate attention from their teachers due to the smaller classes.
Technical schools can adapt to the needs and requirements of students in a far easier manner than regular schools.
A contribution to this could be that they have fewer students per class to focus on. Technical school admissions in Abu Dhabi don’t often look at the past performances of candidates.
They prefer practical entrance exams and interviews which can showcase the skills of the candidates perfectly.
Some Important Technical Skills
The following technical skills are those which also have demand in different fields of employment:
1. Data Analysis
All major industries in the modern world rely heavily on some form of data consumption or the other. This data could be about the clients or their products.
Getting a hold of the data is a fairly easy task but companies require individuals to organize and interpret it methodically for them.
2. Coding and Programming
Even though a job application doesn’t say so, many employers look for these skills in the resumes that come their way.
Being good at understanding multiple programs is a set of strong skills that won’t go wrong at all.
3. Project Management
A project manager is critical for all technical aspects of a project. The knowledge of many complex systems and programs is required for this.
Project managers are supposed to be good leaders, effective at task delegation, and good at dealing with success as well as failure.
4. Social Media Marketing/Digital Marketing
Social media marketing or digital marketing is often also referred to as content marketing.
Students who possess this skill set can always look for good jobs in public relations firms, web development, or marketing agencies.
5. Technical Writing
Many jobs require written communication. These often require people to explain things that are hard to understand.
Messages may have to be sent to clients, press releases may have to be written up and sent out, etc. All these jobs are handled by a technical writing team.
Good careers can be made out of technical education. An individual can also earn a respectable amount of money and status from a career in technical work.
A large chunk of this can be attributed to the modern world which is gaga over technology and the extremely rapid advancements that are made to it.
আরো ও সাজেশন:-
রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
Importance of technical education in Bangladesh
Technical education is one of the most up-to-date education in our country. At present, technical education is the practical education with the touch of technology. That is to say, the education goes beyond the rigid rules and builds the student society of the country as a person possessed of efficient and practical knowledge in a particular subject. In recent times, the importance of technical education is so high in our country, which we have been feeling step by step in our daily life. In our daily life, from small things to big repairs, people are not available on time. At that time, a person educated in technical education can solve it on his own without resorting to others. Vocational education or technical education is an education system where there is no such thing as pass-fail. So you are given the opportunity to test and prove yourself as many times as you need to achieve perfect skills and to be a competitor. In technical education, practical application is given more importance than theoretical study, so that one can be educated in technical education and find the best job opportunity by applying one’s qualifications. Having practical work experience, technical education is also very important in employment. So in recent times in the competitive market technical education is playing a very important role in creating competent competitors.
We have been able to realize for a long time the importance of technical education in the economic development of the country. In this context, the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) recently approved a project worth Tk 1,040 crore to improve the quality of education. It was decided to build one technical school and one polytechnic in every 100 upazilas. The government has said that it is giving utmost importance to technical education for human resource development. It can be said without any doubt that the rate of technical education in our country and the interest of people towards this education is increasing. Technical education becomes important when the government forms a separate technical education board, and undertakes new projects for this education. The role of technical education is immense in alleviating poverty, creating employment opportunities, self-employment, entrepreneurial development and increasing productivity in the belief of building ‘Digital Bangladesh’. Expansion of technical education is needed to make Bangladesh a middle-income country. Considering the socio-economic context of Bangladesh, the importance of technical education is easily conceivable
Requirements for vocational and technical education
The main purpose of modern education is to fully prepare students for the future. The report of the National Education Commission states that “Education should be developed as to increase productivity”.
(1) Productivity: Vocational and technical education helps students to increase productivity in the society and country by engaging them in a productive work.
(2) Self-reliance: Vocational and technical education helps every student to become self-reliant. As a result of this education, the student either gets a job opportunity or can be involved in self-employed work.
(3) Increase in national income: Since vocational and technical education is a productive education, it helps in increasing national income and development of the country.
(4) Creation of experts: Another purpose of this education is to create experts. The knowledge or skills acquired in this education helps the student to acquire skills in certain specific areas of his future life.
(5) Giving financial security: Vocational and technical education helps the student to earn a living in the future, which gives him financial security in his life.
(6) Prioritizing the interests, tendencies and special abilities of the students: Another purpose of this education is to utilize the special abilities, interests, needs or tendencies of the students. In this case, students can choose the subject of special education according to their characteristics from among different types of scholarships.
(7) Dignity towards labor: After all, since this education is acquired by the students through manual labor, it creates a sense of dignity towards their labor.
(8) Establishment in life: Vocational education is the way to gain establishment in life. This type of vocational education is very much needed for exceptional children so that they can engage themselves in some productive work and be able to earn money.
(9) Positive attitude towards education: Practical and hands-on education by removing the monotony of biblical teaching. Increasing their enthusiasm in this education creates a kind of positive attitude.
(10) Encouragement towards labor: Vocational and technical education teaches students to give dignity to labor. Helps to build moral character.
(11) Job opportunities: Vocational and technical education enhances the work skills of the students which creates job or employment opportunities.
Thus, vocational and technical education is a person-centered, selective, religious, diverse, practical, self-reliant education that enables the student to develop fully in all aspects.
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Importance of technical education in Bangladesh
Technical education creates more and more employment opportunities. If someone gets educated in this field, he can work with a company or individual without having a jobless problem. There is a huge opportunity. Technical education refers to engineering, medical study, agricultural study, and industrial studies.
Technical education can change someone’s life forever. There are two types of education, humane and technical. Technical education refers to engineering, medical, industrial, and agricultural. This education system is totally practical and realistic.
Here when students learn something theoretically, they make it practical too. That makes them skilled and ready to take their life at the next level. Most of the progressed country in the world has focused on their technical education. Our country is still not that strong in the technical field.
We need more and more skilled peoples in this field. This education system can turn the population into manpower. When a country produces a huge amount of goods, it can grow its economy. Only technically educated people can participate in this journey.
Creating more and more industries and produce more and more goods. That could be a way to earn remittance. Overall, technical education is the core of a nation that helps to grow and enlarge the economy.
After completing an engineering or medical course, there is none who is jobless. If anyone can complete his technical study properly, he will get a good job. There are lots of enthusiastic people, who love entrepreneurship and want to do something their own.
They want to make their own business and make money. If a skilled person wants to do that, it becomes easy for them. As an example, if you complete BSC in Computer engineering and now want to start a software development business that could be amazing for you.
But you need to have the proper knowledge and practical experience of developing real software for other customers. And if you can do so, your business will grow rapidly. That’s the power of technical education. This education doesn’t let anyone stay jobless.
There are thousands of opportunities for you to do something. Overall, our country needs more skilled people and that will increase manpower. It’s really important for a progressive country.
[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
Importance of technical education in Bangladesh
education might be isolated into two classes general and technical. General education targets filling the psyche with general information on expressions and sciences. Technical education is the preparation in viable expressions and science. It implies learning a specific expressions or science by real practice. there are different parts of technical education, for example, building, business, clinical, mechanical and agrarian.
Technical Education assumes an imperative job to build up the nation these days. It ought to be a familiarity with the significance of technical education. It helps in making gifted labor, upgrading mechanical profitability and improving the personal satisfaction.
Technical education can change somebody’s life until the end of time. There are two kinds of education, others conscious and technical. Technical education alludes to building, clinical, mechanical, and farming. This education framework is absolutely commonsense and sensible. Here when understudies pick up something hypothetically, they make it handy as well. That makes them gifted and prepared to end their life at the following level.
The majority of the advanced nation on the planet has concentrated on their technical education. Our nation is as yet not so solid in the technical field. We need an ever increasing number of gifted people groups right now. This education framework can transform the populace into labor.
At the point when a nation creates an immense measure of merchandise, it can develop their economy. Just technically taught individuals can take an interest right now. Making an ever increasing number of enterprises and produce an ever increasing number of products. That could be an approach to acquire settlement.
Generally speaking, technical education is the center of a country that assists with developing and broaden the economy.
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রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
Importance of technical education in Bangladesh
Education may be divided into two classes general and technical. The education which provides special practical knowledge and skills in known as technical education. It is different from general education. General education aims at filling the mind with general knowledge of arts and sciences. Technical education is training in practical arts and science. It means learning particular art or science by actual practice. The people who have special technical skills and knowledge are called technicians. Carpenter, drivers, mechanics, engineers, doctors, pilots, and so on are technicians.
There are various branches of technical education such as engineering, commercial, medical, industrial, and agricultural. The present education system of Bangladesh may be broadly divided into three major stages, viz. general education, madrasa education, and technical education.
The prosperity of a country depends on her industry and industry again depends on technical knowledge. No nation can develop without a large number of technically qualified men. Infect, the most prosperous countries are those that have advanced in technical education. The government tries to ensure that the course curriculum should be relevant to students’ interests and aspirations while at the same time it should address the needs of the job market.
Technical education plays a vital role in the development of a country. Technicians are needed in every field of construction. The aims of technical education are to prepare people with the necessary skill to work practically in a particular field. It solves the problem of unemployment. For the students whose interests are not strictly academic may find technical-vocational programs more interesting and more valuable for their future.
Technical education unquestionably promotes the economic status of the nation. If a country has more production of goods, it can feed its people easily. Bangladesh is a developing country. She needs a man with technical education to make her develop in all respects. But the offers limited facilities for technical education. There are more than seventy technical institutions all over Bangladesh. She needs hundreds of technicians now and will need more in the near future. She imports many foreign technical hands and different fields of her activities. Thus a large amount of foreign currency is spent on them every year. Our government has paid attention to this matter.
Technical education helps the industrialization of our country. It provides employment to a good number of citizens. Technical education is very important to solve the problem of unemployment. Technical hands cannot be unemployed. They help in very fields. It helps our country develop. Technical education aims at making a person fit for a particular vocation in life by imparting both theoretical and practical knowledge. If they start their own business, they can provide job opportunities to other educated people. Thus technical education helps us to alleviate the gravity of the problem of unemployment. The object is to provide the young learners with a sure foothold in the battle of life. Even he can earn himself. He need not have to look for employment anywhere.
Technical education is a crying need of the time. The economic progress of the nation depends on technical hands. Without technical and vocational education our economy cannot be improved. So technical education should be based on general education. Every country should give high priority on technical education to uplift the prosperity of the nation.
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