বিষয়: jsc important composition Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh,ssc important composition Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh,hsc important composition Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh,Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh essay for jsc,Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh essay for ssc
Write a composition on ‘Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh’
Introduction: Bangladesh is a riverine country. There are numerous rivers, canals, canals, haor-baor, ponds, etc. all over this country. These reservoirs have a large number of different species of fish. Fish is our favorite food. That is why we are called Bengalis in fish and rice. Bangladeshi fish earns a lot of foreign exchange by exporting to meet the needs of the country. Earlier there was a lot of fish available in this country but now its quantity is decreasing day by day. So, considering socio-economic progress, prosperity, self-employment, etc., this resource needs to be looked at.
Fisheries resources of Bangladesh: Bangladesh is rich in fisheries resources even though it is not developed in the fisheries industry. Bangladesh is known as the world’s largest delta region. There are different types of fish in different reservoirs of riverine Bangladesh. Which greatly contributes to our national economy. A large amount of fish is harvested every year from the inland and marine water bodies of Bangladesh. About 10 percent of the people of the country earn their livelihood directly and indirectly through fishing, marketing and trading. Fisheries are about 5% of Bangladesh’s gross national product. Every year Bangladesh produces a large amount of fish. According to the report titled The Global Aquaculture Production Statistics for the year 2011 published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2013, Bangladesh ranks fifth in farmed fish production. Annual fish production in Bangladesh is 15,24,000 tons. China is the first in the world to produce farmed fish.
Types of fish: Two types of fish are available in our country. Namely-tasty or fresh water fish and salt water fish. Hilsa is the main among marine fish. Hilsa is our national fish. There are also shrimps, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, sharks, worms, snails, corals, boals, etc. Among fresh water fish, Rui, Katla, Mrigel, Chital, Id, Boal, Pangas, Kalbaish, Shoal, Gajar, Kai, Magur, Mala, Shrimp, Pabda, Tilapia etc. are notable.
Fisheries areas of Bangladesh: Rivers, canals, ponds, haor-baor, estuarine coasts and sea areas are the main areas of fisheries in Bangladesh. About 250 types of fish are available in the fisheries of Bangladesh. According to the production area of fish in Bangladesh they are divided into two parts.
(a) Inland Fisheries.
(b) Marine fisheries.
(a) Inland or Freshwater Fisheries: Rivers, channels, canals, ponds, haor-baor, paddy and paddy fields and estuaries of Bangladesh are called inland fisheries. The extent of inland fisheries is about 1 crore 33 lakh 35 thousand 600 acres and the number of Dhibar is about 7 lakh 72 thousand. Below is the production of the domestic fisheries sector of Bangladesh:
Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Inland Fisheries 25.15 Lakh MT 26.83 Lakh MT 27.81 Lakh MT
Source: Directorate of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.
According to nature and location, inland fisheries are again divided into two categories-
(1) Open water bodies: Bangladesh has about 40.25 lakh hectares of open water bodies. These include riverine and estuarine regions, Sundarbans region, Beel, Kaptai Lake, floodplains. In 2012-13, the production of fish from open water bodies is about 9.53 lakh metric tonnes.
(2) Closed reservoirs: Dighi, ponds, ponds etc. of Bangladesh belong to this category of fisheries. Bangladesh has about 7.41 lakh hectares of closed water bodies. In 2012-13, fish production from closed reservoirs was about 18.28 lakh metric tonnes.
Inland Fisheries: There are inland fisheries in different parts of Bangladesh. For example, Dhaka’s Sawari Ghat, Kajla, Narayanganj, Munshiganj, Chandpur, Jamalpur, Sirajganj, Pabna, Kishoreganj, Madaripur, Sylhet, Netrakona, Rangamati, Khulna, Patuakhali etc. districts are important inland fisheries centers of Bangladesh.
(b) Marine Fisheries: Bangladesh is very rich in marine fisheries resources. Only 133 out of 475 fish species have been discovered in this fishery. Of which 42 species are included in trade. Due to lack of skilled fishermen, capital, necessary machinery, equipment, large vessels, etc., fishing of a large part of the fishery is not possible. The marine fisheries sector of Bangladesh can be divided into two parts namely-
(1) Coastal fisheries: About 732 km in Bangladesh. There is a coast. Although there is not much expansion of fish farming in the coastal areas, unplanned expansion of shrimp farming has taken place.
(2) Deep sea fisheries: 320 km from the coast according to international law. The maritime boundary of Bangladesh extends to the deep sea. Its deepest part is rich in fish resources.
Marine Fisheries Centre: Teknaf, Maheshkhali, Sandwip, Cox’s Bazar, Kutubdia, Sonadia and Hatia in Chittagong region, Dubla Dwip, Rangabali, Baishdia etc. in Sundarbans are notable marine fisheries centres.
Importance of fisheries resources in the economy of Bangladesh: Fisheries resources are one of the most important resources of Bangladesh. The contribution of fishery resources to the total national production of the country is about 5 percent. 4.37% in terms of export earnings.
The importance of fisheries resources is highlighted below-
Fish as food: It is called fish-rice Bengali. Without rice and fish, our food does not satisfy. As a result, there is fish in every meal every day. Fish contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, mineral salts, vitamins A and D.
Livelihood: About 10 percent of the total population of Bangladesh earns their livelihood directly and indirectly by fishing. As a result, mother
People are becoming self-sufficient day by day by farming.
Industrial Materials: Fish skin, bones, spines, fat etc. are used as raw materials for industries. Moreover, different types of medicines, varnishes, glycerine, soap etc. are prepared by the oil of shark, shark, turtle etc.
Utilization of land: Fish and paddy are cultivated simultaneously in the agricultural land. Besides, reservoirs, Khalbil, Haor-Baor are being carefully brought under fisheries.
Development of transport system and increase in income: Transport system is developed to facilitate the transfer of fish and fish fry from one place to another. As a result, the income of the transport company increases due to product marketing.
Current status of fisheries resources: Since independence, Bangladesh has earned a lot of foreign exchange by exporting fish. Quality frozen shrimp and fish products from Bangladesh are exported to USA, UK, Japan, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and other developed countries. From which Bangladesh earns a significant amount of foreign exchange. Below is the growth and contribution of Bangladesh’s fisheries to GDP:
Growth Rate % Contribution Rate %
Year | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 |
Fisheries | 5.39 | 5.52 | 4.39 | 4.37 |
Reasons for Problems or Deterioration of Fisheries Industry: Fisheries resources of Bangladesh are facing various problems today. The following are the reasons for the deterioration of fishery resources:
- The amount of fish migration area is decreasing considerably due to grazing in the river. As a result, the number of fish is decreasing.
- People are building houses day by day by filling canals and canals. As a result, fish habitat and reproduction are disturbed.
- Heavy use of pesticides on the land causes a lot of fish deaths.
- River water dries up due to lack of timely rain.
- Unplanned killing of spawning and juvenile fish from rivers.
- Fish die due to water pollution due to industrial effluents.
- Many fish die every year due to lack of conservation measures.
- Many fish are wasted due to marketing difficulties.
Actions taken for the development of fisheries resources: For the development of fisheries resources in Bangladesh, everyone needs to have goodwill. Every year due to lack of water, fish farming is severely disrupted. That is why Ganga and Teesta water sharing agreement is needed for proper water supply. Moreover, arrangements should be made to dig rivers for water conservation. Catching of spawning and spawning fish should be avoided. Fishing should be avoided by damming the river. Air-conditioned transport should be arranged for fish storage. Above all, necessary training centers should be set up to educate the fishermen on modern regulations and to develop fisheries experts.
Government Efforts: The government is trying in various ways to develop fisheries resources. For this the government has kept a separate department. Moreover, they are providing loans to fishermen on easy terms for buying boats and nets. Big rivers, canals and bils are being given settlement to the fishermen through the association. Besides, freezers and harbors have been constructed for fish conservation. Fisheries Research Centers and Fisheries Training Centers have been set up for the development of fisheries industry. Above all, the government is taking various measures to develop fisheries resources.
Conclusion: We are Bengalis in fish and rice. Therefore, in order to improve fishery resources, it is necessary to improve these resources by focusing not only on domestic demand but also on foreign demand. Sincere efforts of all are required to keep the country’s economy moving and make fisheries a sustainable resource.
আরো ও সাজেশন:-
OR, Write a composition on ‘Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh’
The contribution of the fisheries sector is very important in building a healthy and talented nation. The role of this promising sector in the national economy is continuously increasing. It can be said that the socio-economic progress and prosperity of this country is largely dependent on the development of fisheries resources. The data obtained shows that the total production of fish has increased to 34.10 lakh tonnes in 2012-13, the current market value of which is about 50 thousand crores. According to Bangladesh Economic Survey 2013, the fisheries sector contributes 4.37 percent of the country’s gross domestic product or GDP and nearly one-fourth (23.37 percent) of the total agricultural GDP. In recent times, GDP growth in the fisheries sector has been much higher than that of other sub-sectors of agriculture such as crops, livestock and forestry. The contribution of the fisheries sector is also very important in the provision of food security in this country. Fish provides about 60% of the animal meat in our daily diet. More than 11 percent of the total population of the country earns its living by engaging in various activities in this sector. In the last five years, additional employment opportunities have been created in this sector of about 6 lakh people annually. More than 2 percent of the country’s export income comes from the fisheries sector. An average growth rate of 5.88 percent has been achieved in fish production during the last five years.
The Department of Fisheries under the supervision of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is working tirelessly to achieve the targets mentioned in the Vision 2021 announced by the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. As a result visible success has been achieved in the fisheries sector. It is hoped that by 2014-15 it will be possible to achieve the IPSIT target to a large extent.
Achievable target by 2014-15
25% increase in fish production over 2008-09 (27.01 lakh tonnes),
(In 2012-13 production target i.e. 26.25% growth was achieved)
Meeting the demand of 56 grams of meat per person,
(In 2012-13 the per capita availability of non-vegetarian food increased to 52 grams)
Increase foreign earnings to 1 billion US dollars by exporting shrimp and meat products,
To create employment for unemployed youth,
(Annual additional employment in the last 5 years is about 6 lakhs)
20% increase in income of fishermen/fishermen,
Ensuring women’s participation in fisheries,
(Initiatives are continuing to ensure an average of 20 percent female participation in all areas related to fisheries management)
Initiatives in the supply of safe food in the domestic and international markets.
Taking initiatives in the supply of safe food in the market.
Significant success and development potential in the fisheries sector
- Increase in fish production and rural employment: With the aim of the desired development of the country’s fish resources, the government takes various timely initiatives to increase fish production. The data obtained shows that the total production of fish in the fiscal year 2008-09 was 27.01 lakh tons, due to the timely action of the government and fish-friendly activities and the provision of technical services at the farmer-entrepreneur level, this production has increased to 34.10 lakh tons in the fiscal year 2012-13. Preliminary data shows that the expected target of fish production in 2013-14 financial year will be achieved at 35.55 lakh tonnes. If this trend of growth continues, it is expected that the fish production in the country will reach 45.52 lakh tonnes by 2020-21. As a result, it will be possible to meet the projected fish demand (45.28 lakh tonnes) for the increased population of the country in 2020-21. A review of fisheries production in the last 10 years shows that the annual growth in this sector is very encouraging (average growth of 5.49 percent) and there is almost stability in this sector.
The increase in fisheries production in the country has created additional employment opportunities for the poor fishermen along with increased income. According to the information received, more than 11 percent or about 17.1 lakh people of the country, irrespective of men and women, are directly or indirectly dependent on the fisheries sub-sector for their livelihood. About 10 percent of the people involved in the fisheries sector are women, which is about one percent of the country’s total population. Also, in the last five years, this sector has directly and indirectly created additional employment opportunities for over 6 lakh poor people annually. Moreover, various surveys show that more than 80 percent of the workers currently employed in fish processing factories are women.
The amount of internal open water bodies (rivers, Sundarbans, Kaptai Lakes, bels and floodplains) of Bangladesh is about 39 lakh 20 thousand hectares, the amount of closed water bodies (ponds, seasonally cultivated water bodies, ponds and shrimp enclosures) is 7 lakh 83 thousand hectares, the amount of marine waters is 1 lakh 66 thousand square km. And the sea coast is 710 km. The data obtained shows that the total production of fish in the year 1983-84 was 7.54 lakh tonnes, there has been an increase of 34.10 lakh tonnes in the span of three decades. A review of khatwari production of the last three decades shows that in 1983-84 the contribution of open water bodies was 63 percent, but in 2012-13 the share of this sector stood at only 28 percent. On the other hand, the contribution of closed reservoirs has increased three and a half times in a span of about three decades. Although open water fish production has not decreased, it has not been possible to sustain the growth at the desired level mainly due to various natural and man-made constraints.
- Fish release program and establishment of bill nurseries: Under the fish release program in open water bodies, about 490 tons of quality and endangered species of fish have been released across the country under the revenue and development budget in 2013-14. In the last five years, the total amount of fish released is about three and a half thousand tons. About 7,500 tons of additional fish are released annually as a result of this hatchery release program
are being produced and many extinct species of fish have already appeared. Moreover, bill nursery program was undertaken for the first time in the country under the Directorate of Fisheries during the tenure of this government. In the last five years from 2009-10 to 2013-14, a total of 715 bill nurseries have been set up in the revenue budget. In 2013-14, 206 bill nurseries were established. According to preliminary data, as a result of conducting this program, about two thousand tons of additional fish are being produced annually in the open water bodies of the country and the supply of animal meat at the local level has increased to a large extent along with the increase in the income of the fishermen/beneficiaries who depend on the water bodies. In order to make the bill nursery activities more sustainable across the country, the government has recently approved a development project titled establishment of bill nurseries in open water bodies and hatchery release at a cost of Tk 118 crore 9 lakhs.
- Community-based fisheries management and establishment of fisheries sanctuaries: The government has already formulated the Government Watershed Management Policy 2009 with the aim of establishing the rights of the concerned beneficiaries including the fisher-fishermen related to the water bodies and ensuring the biological management of the water bodies. For the sustainable development of inland water resources under this policy, the activities of building community-based organizations comprising the beneficiaries/fishermen related to water bodies are continuing. Establishment of sanctuaries is one of the technical strategies for conservation, breeding and breeding of nearly endangered fish species. In the last five years, 534 sanctuaries have been established in different rivers and inland open water bodies of the country through various development projects. About 550 abhayashrams across the country including 534 abhayashrams established in five years are being successfully run by local beneficiaries. Due to the establishment of these sanctuaries, the availability of almost endangered fish species such as Chital, Foli, Bamos, Kalibaus, Id, Tengra, Meni, Rani, Sarpunti, Madhu Pabda, Rita, Kajli, Chaka, Gajar, Tara Baim etc. has increased to a large extent.
- Expansion of eco-friendly shrimp farming: Shrimp is one of the major exportable products of Bangladesh. With the increase in the demand of shrimp in the international market, efforts are being made to introduce better farming management in shrimp farms in the coastal areas of this country. In addition to expanding eco-friendly shrimp farming in these farms, integrated shrimp-grain/vegetable farming systems are also being introduced in a healthy way. National Shrimp Policy 2014 has been approved. It is expected that, according to this policy, expansion of environmentally friendly shrimp farming technology and provision of suitable extension services, training of farmers, management of demonstration farms, etc., will be implemented in addition to achieving the desired production targets from shrimp farms, and introduction of a sustainable shrimp farming management will be possible. The Department of Fisheries has continued its relentless efforts with public and private stakeholders to make this growing industry more sustainable by countering various misinformation and negative activities.
In order to ensure the supply of disease-free and high-quality shrimp fry at the farming stage, a joint initiative of the Department of Fisheries and World Fish has been taken to create PCR protocol for the detection of 6 pathogens and also to create awareness about the PCR tested fry stock. Moreover, in order to make shrimp farming more profitable and environmentally friendly, along with increasing the depth of the reservoir or enclosure, initiatives have been taken to raise awareness at the farmer level about the juvenile stock in the enclosure through PL nursing of shrimp.
রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
OR, Write a composition on ‘Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh’
Bangladesh is very rich in fisheries resources. There are numerous ponds, ponds, streams, rivers, canals, and rivers spread all over this country. The North-Eastern part of the country is covered by the vast Howrah area, which is known as the reservoir of our fisheries resources. There are about 1.3 lakh ponds in Bangladesh with an area of 3.5 lakh hectares. The area of the country’s 24 thousand km long rivers is about 10.32 lakh hectares. In addition, there are about 11,000 Bills with a water area of 1.14 lakh hectares, Bawar with an area of 5,488 hectares, Kaptai Lake with 68,800 hectares, and Sundarban Bay area of about 2.00 lakh hectares and a large floodplain of 28.3 lakh hectares.
A lot of freshwater and saltwater fishes are available in Bangladesh. About 260 species of fish and 24 species of shrimp are found in the freshwater of this country. Besides, 12 more species of foreign fish are currently being cultivated almost everywhere in Bangladesh. Creeks are also opening up new horizons of possibilities for fish production in hilly districts. Marine fish production in Bangladesh is mainly extractive. There is an opportunity to develop fishery resources in the vast sea of 1.66 lakh square km from 710 km long coastline to 200 nautical miles.
There are 36 species of shrimp and 475 species of fish in the marine water resources of Bangladesh. Currently, a total of 4.39 lakh tonnes of fish is being harvested from the Bay of Bengal through industrial trawl fishing and artisanal fishing.
More than 12 percent of Bangladesh’s population of 170 million, i.e. about 2.4 million people, are directly and indirectly involved in the fisheries sector for their livelihood. Like inland fisheries, marine fisheries have also created employment opportunities for a significant number of fishermen. At least 13.5 million people of the families of about 2.7 million fishermen engaged in fishing in mechanized and non-mechanized boats are earning their livelihood through coastal marine fisheries.
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 1973 officially released the fish fry in Ganabhavan Lake and made a good start in transforming fisheries into a social movement. At that time, Bangabandhu had predicted – ‘Fish will be the second major source of foreign exchange in this country.’ That dream of Bangabandhu has been successful today due to the visionary and visionary leadership of the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, daughter of the father of the nation. As a result of this, as the country is self-sufficient in fish today, common people are getting fish and nutrition at a low price; On the other hand, unemployment is being eliminated through massive employment creation in the country.
To fulfill the dream of the father of the nation, the Department of Fisheries is working for the sustainable development of the fisheries resources of Bangladesh and is making a significant contribution to the management of the country’s vast fisheries resources and the socio-economic development of the people. The fisheries sector contributes 3.52 percent to the national GDP and more than one-fourth (26.37%) of the total agricultural GDP. Fish and fish products contributed 1.39 percent of the total export earnings (Euse, 2020). More than 12% of the total population of the country, including women, are directly or indirectly involved in various activities in the fisheries sector for livelihood. Bangladesh has achieved self-sufficiency in fish production. Currently, per capita, fish consumption has increased to 62.58 g/day against 60 g/day (Yizh, 2016).
As one of the world’s leading fish-producing countries, Bangladesh ranks third in inland open water fish production, 5th in global farmed fish production according to the report published by FAO (The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2021), second in the world in inland open water fish production, hilsa production. Bangladesh ranks 1st and Bangladesh ranks 4th in the world and 3rd in Asia in terms of tilapia production. Steady growth continues in the fisheries sector. The total fish production in 2019-2020 is 45.03 lakh metric tonnes and the target is 45.52 lakh metric tonnes in 2020-21. Incredible progress has been made in fish production.
In the financial year 2009-10, the production of fish in the country was 28 lakh 99 thousand tons, in the financial year 2019-2020, the total production of fish in the country exceeded 45 lakh 3 thousand tons. As a result, fish production has increased by 1.6 million tons, or about 55 percent in a decade. In the financial year 2020-2021, the contribution of the fisheries sector to the GDP is 13.47 percent. In the financial year 2020-21, about 4 thousand crores of foreign exchange was earned by exporting fish products, which was 3243.41 crore in the financial year 2008-09.
Through historic sea conquest, legal exclusive rights have been established over 1 lakh 18 thousand 813 square kilometers of waters in the Bay of Bengal. The top hilsa-producing country is Bangladesh. The production of Hilsa increased from 2.98 lakh Mt to about 5.33 lakh Mt. Under the social security program, a total of 38,187.68 million tons of rice has been provided to 2 lakh 38 thousand 673 fisherman families in 85 Upazilas of 17 districts rich in jatka at 40 kg per month for 4 months under the humanitarian food assistance program. 534 fish sanctuaries have been established in various rivers and inland open water bodies. The export of Kuchia, which is highly nutritious and has medicinal properties, has earned foreign exchange worth $14 million. Consultancy services are available through the fisheries call center on 16216 from any mobile phone for any type of problems including fisheries technology and medical services.
Bangladesh has achieved the visionary goal of becoming a middle-income country by 2021 and following the directives of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and past Bangladesh is moving in the right direction to achieve SDG targets under civilian leadership. ‘Vision 2041’ has been adopted in imitation of ‘Vision 2021’ adopted by the government for the development of the nation. Its mission is to end extreme poverty and build a prosperous Bangladesh. By achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Bangladesh will achieve upper middle-income status by 2031 and emerge as a developed country by eradicating poverty.
The government is playing a leading role in building an integrated, adaptive national system to transform Bangladesh into a prosperous, developed, and poverty-free nation by 2041. May the progress of Bangladesh prosper, win Bangladesh.
- Honors 2nd year suggestion
- অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের সাজেশন
- ডিগ্রি ৩য় বর্ষের সাজেশন (১০০% কমন ডাউনলোড করুন), ডিগ্রি ৩য় বর্ষের পরীক্ষার সাজেশন [নিশ্চিত ১০০% কমন সকল বিষয়ে]
[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
Introduction: Fish and rice Bengali – This is an old saying in Bangladesh. Fish is the favorite food of the people of riverine Bangladesh. A lot of fish are available in the rivers and canals, canals and lakes of our country. Moreover, rivers and canals, canals, ponds, seas, and reservoirs are suitable for fish farming. The wheel of our national economy will be active in fish farming, which is known as the meat of the poor. However, despite the huge potential in Bangladesh, no plan has been adopted for fisheries. Different types of fish are available in different seasons in Bangladesh. We have a lot of foreign exchange earning opportunities through fish farming.
Source of fish: Rivers, canals, canals, ponds, hoards, reservoirs etc. are the main sources of fish. Riverine Bangladesh is dotted with rivers, canals, ponds, hoards, and reservoirs, which are suitable for freshwater fish farming. And the estimated amount of this water body is about 7,240 kilometers long rivers, about six lakh ponds, and numerous canals and rivers. Moreover, we have the advantage of marine fishing in shallow seawater. The main fishing centers are Qutubdia, Sandia, Saint Martin Island, Dublar Char, Cox’s Bazar, Rangabali, and Baishdia. Khepupara, Gayaland, Ashuganj, and Bhairab are used as inland fisheries centers. Moreover, high-quality fish harbors are being constructed in Chittagong and Chila.
Types of fish: Main fisheries There are two types of fish available in this country. Namely – fresh water or freshwater fish and small water fish. Most of the fish in Bangladesh are freshwater fish. Among the large freshwater fishes are Rui, Katla, Pangash, Bayal, Chital, Matrigel, Shell, Ai, Gajar, Baghair, Coral, Lumpy, and Bagda shrimp, etc. And small fishes include – Sarpunti, Koi, Guji, Punti, Bain, Chanda, Titpunti, Phalai, Gelsa bau, Chela, Bele, Foli, Pabda, Shing, Magur, Chela, Mala, Dhela, Tangra, Latka, Mawa, Khaeksha. , Guija, Kalabata, Ghaura, Khalshe, Raina etc. A large number of fish such as Koi, Punti, Shing, Magur, Chela, Mala, Dhela, Pabda, Shael, Taki, etc. are available in Khal-Bil, Howrah. Different types of fish are available in small waters. For example – Hilsa, Knife, Latia, Laksha, Rupchanda, etc. Hilsa is the main fish among small water fish. Hilsa is the national fish of Bangladesh. This fish is as tasty as it is nutritious.
Fish as food: Fish is one of the favorite foods of Bengalis. Fish is one of the sources of animal meat. This nutritious food is also delicious. No one is generally averse to eating fish. Rich and poor, young and old all love to eat fish. A protein-rich diet is beneficial for everyone. About 60 percent of the animal meat in the daily diet comes from fish. As in this, It fulfills our nutritional deficiencies and also keeps us free from various diseases.
Livelihood Fish: Many people in the villages of Bangladesh are involved in the fishing profession, whose main means of livelihood is fish. The practice of fishing and fishing started in ancient times, and is still maintained by people as a livelihood occupation. About 10 percent of the total population in Bangladesh are fishermen directly and indirectly. Some of them are doing fish business, some are fishing for their livelihood. There are different methods of fishing. Each person catches fish in a different way. Fishermen use trawlers to catch marine fish from the sea.
Which is being sold in domestic and foreign markets. The poor people are making a living by hunting small and big fish from the village’s rivers and canals, canals, and rivers. Many are making a good living in the fish business. Co-operative societies have been established among fishermen under a government initiative.
Fish as a foreign exchange earner: Currently, fish is the second largest export sector. Clothing in the country’s export sector Fish ranks after industry. Bangladesh exports different types of fish every year and the role of shrimp and hilsa export is the biggest in earning a lot of foreign exchange. 5% of our national income is earned by exporting fish and fish products. An average of 400 (four hundred) crores of rupees is earned every year by exporting fish. The income from this sector is increasing day by day. There is a huge potential for fisheries in our country.
Because there is a huge demand for Hilsa, Shotki, and Lobster in the foreign market. A large part of Bangladesh’s coastline has suitable areas for shrimp farming. The people of the southern region are benefiting a lot by cultivating shrimp in these places. So it can be said that it is possible to earn foreign currency and increase national income by farming fish.
Reasons for Extinction of Fishery Resources: Bangladesh, built on a diverse aquatic environment, was once a treasure of fish. At present, due to various reasons, the fish of our country is almost on the verge of extinction. Fish in open water in particular are declining at a steep rate. The main reason is lack of water. India has built dams on the Ganges. As a result, during the dry season, our country’s rivers, canals, and canals dry up. Fish breeding grounds and habitats have been destroyed. The population in our country is increasing at a huge rate,
so they are building houses and roads by filling canals, ponds, and ponds. As a result, fisheries are declining. This means that fish are not able to breed and food sources are constantly shrinking and becoming polluted. Moreover, due to the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural land, so much fish food is being destroyed. So far 120 species of fish have become extinct and many more species are on the verge of extinction. All types of fish including paena, roe fish, jatka have been added to this Tendency to kill in four. As a result, fisheries are being destroyed. Moreover, our neighboring countries like India, Thailand, Burma, etc. come to our coastal borders and fish. Hunting is causing huge damage to our fisheries.
Ways to protect fisheries: The role of fisheries in keeping the wheels of our country’s economy moving is undeniable. Therefore, it is important to protect the fisheries resources to keep the economy of our country prosperous. The main way to protect our country’s fisheries from destruction is to implement the Ganga Water Sharing Agreement with India. Prohibit fishing of small fish and spawning fish and enact stricter laws and ban all types of fishing during spawning season. Force the current fake user to report to the police and pay a fine. Be aware of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Complete cessation of fishing by foreign fishermen off our coasts.
Government initiative to protect fishery resources: The government’s special initiative to protect Bangladesh’s fishery resources from extinction is noteworthy. The government has already taken various steps to protect fish resources and increase fish production. The government has provided loans to fish farmers to increase fish farming. It will eliminate self-employment as well as unemployment. Arranged training for fish farmers in the scientific method of fish farming. Prohibited fishing during spawning season to prevent poaching of egg-bearing fish, jatka, and imposed user fines including the prohibition of current nets.
Conclusion: Fisheries is one of our national resources. Bengalis have traditionally been associated with fisheries which are reflected in the ancient proverb mache hate Bengali. Because rice and fish are the staple foods in the Bengali diet. Not only this, fish is one of the sources of financial development of our country, which earns a large amount of foreign exchange. Due to the unavailability and low price of meat, only fish has earned the reputation of ‘poor man’s meat. But due to various reasons, this wealth of our country is almost on the verge of extinction. So we need to make the steps taken by the government a reality to protect this precious resource.
রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
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