Now draw a map on the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with directions to your school

Suppose stranger talks with you and he does not know where your school is. The person asks you to give direction. You both are standing in front of your home. Now draw a map on the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with directions to your school.

Solution :

Stranger : Excuse me! Could you tell me the way to the Comilla Government High School?

Alif : Oh, it’s not very far. I study there. Go along this street and you will come to a big road. Which is known as ‘Mogholtuli’. Turn left. Go along about a hundred metres, and you will see a Mosque. Go past and the school is on the right.

Stranger : Go along —come to cross ‘Mogholtuli’—turn left—go about a hundred metres—mosque—school on the right. Thank you very much.

Alif : It’s OK. You are most welcome.

The location of my school
Location of my school
The location of my school


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