2. Part-B (Grammar): Transformation Identify Subject, Object, Appositive, Conditional Sentence, Modifier, Punctuation.
Part-B: Grammar
Practice tense, changing sentence, modifier, conditional sentence, punctuation then answer the questions (5-6)
5. Transform the following sentences as directed:
(a) He comes here at four. (Make it Complex)
Ans: It was four when he came here.
(b) Very few poets are as great as John Keats. (Superlative)
Ans: John Keats is one of the greatest poets.
(c) I have no pen. (Interrogative)
Ans: Have I a pen?
(d) If you speak the truth, I shall pardon you. (Compound)
Ans: Speak the truth and I shall pardon you.
(e) Robin is the tallest boy in the class. (Comparative)
Ans: Robin is taller than any other boy in the class.
(f) All men are mortal. (Negative)
Ans: No man is immortal.
(g) Would that I could go there! (Assertive)
Ans: I wish I went there.
(h) I know what his name is. (Simple)
Ans: I know his name.
6. Identify subject, object, appositive, conditional sentence and modifier from the following sentences.
(a) He found the girl reading a book. (Modifier)
Post modifier => reading a book
(b) We should not drink polluted water. (Modifier)
Pre modifier => polluted
(c) Raju, a student reads attentively. (Appositive)
Appositive => a student
(d) Don’t drink hot tea. (Modifier)
Pre modifier => hot
(e) Mr. Kashem, my uncle is a good man. (Appositive)
Appositive => my uncle
(f) The famous novel, David Copperfield is a classic. (Appositive)
Appositive => The famous novel
(g) If you come, I will go. (Conditional)
1st Conditional => If you come
(h) They are my friends. (Subject)
Subject => They
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