৭ম শ্রেণি, বিষয়: ইংরেজি, ৪র্থ এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর
Class 7, Subject: English 4th AssignmentSerial: 4th Assigned WorkUnit and Title of the Lesson: English Grammar and Composition, Class Seven: …
Class 7, Subject: English 4th AssignmentSerial: 4th Assigned WorkUnit and Title of the Lesson: English Grammar and Composition, Class Seven: …
Class Eight, Subject: English 4th AssignmentSerial: 3rd Assigned TaskUnit and Title of the Lesson:English Grammar and Composition, Class- 8 Unit-7: …
Class: 7, Subject: English Serial: 2nd Assigned Task Unit and Title of the lesson: Unit- 6 (Leisure) Lesson-1 (A day …
Class 8 English Assignment Answer 3rd Week Assigned Task, Assignment, and Assessment Criteria based on Revised Syllabus due to COVID-19, …