বিষয়: Write a paragraph on ‘women’s empowerment’, Short Paragraph on women’s empowerment, New Paragraph on ‘women’s empowerment’, Short New Paragraph on women’s empowerment, women’s empowerment
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children
Women’s empowerment begins with the act of considering women equal to men. The whole of feminist ideology revolves around the concept of establishing equality of all sexes. Discrimination against women has been so imminent in our society that we often fail to notice the subtle and latent forms of sexism.
Women’s empowerment can only be brought about when women are made aware of their rights. Most girls grow up to believe that they are inferior to boys and, thus, surrender before the regressive and patriarchal structure of the society. Young girls must be taught that they are no less than boys and can achieve anything if they are determined to do so.
Education is a key prospect of this movement. Following this, the Government of India has passed the Right To Education Act by which every child below the age of 14 is entitled to free and compulsory education.
আরো ও সাজেশন:-
Paragraph On Women Empowerment – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students
Women empowerment is a concept that has been subjected to a lot of questions over the years. There will always be a section of the society who will consider women inferior to men and thus oppose the movements to uplift them. However, liberals have raised the question that does women need to be empowered. According to them, women are already empowered; they are strong and equal to men, and what we need is to reform the society that makes them feel weak.
Keeping all the perspectives in mind, women empowerment is a significant and vital issue that must be discussed and reflected upon by us. Women have received lower wages than men in the employment sectors for a long time. It was the second wave of the Feminist Movement in the USA that fought against economic discrimination and demanded that women receive equal pay for equal work along with vacations and maternity benefits.
The process of empowerment does not happen overnight. People have been protesting against discrimination on the basis of sex since the 18th century, and they have come a long way. Presently, we live in a society where women have the right to vote, equal representation in political forums, and the right to education. There is a long way to go before we achieve equality, but we must acknowledge and celebrate our little victories.
রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph Writing On Women Empowerment – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students
Women empowerment is a widely discussed term in today’s society and talks about the upliftment of the female gender. First, it is a long term and revolutionary protest against discrimination based on sex and gender. Women empowerment refers to educating women and helping them build an identity of their own.
In our patriarchal society, women are expected to mould themselves according to the wishes of the man who “feed them.” They are not allowed to have an individual opinion or an independent identity. Empowering women involves encouraging them to be financially, culturally, and socially independent. A woman must be entitled to pursue what she loves and develop into a fully functioning human. Her individuality must be nurtured and acknowledged. Women empowerment has lead millions of women across the globe to pursue their dreams. They are steadily moving forward in life with strong determination, respect, and faith.
However, we must realize that despite the efforts being made to uplift women, most of them still suffer under patriarchy and suppression. Domestic violence is extremely common in countries like India. The society has always tried to curb the freedom of a woman because it is afraid of a woman who is strong and independent. We must recognize the ingrained misogyny in our society and work towards removing it. for example, we must teach both girls and boys to respect each other. Women fall victim to atrocities because men feel that they have the birthright to assert their power and authority over women. This can only be resolved by teaching boys from the very beginning that they are in no way superior to girls, and they have no right to touch a woman without her consent. The future is not a female. The future is equal and beautiful.
[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 2
There are several challenges in the way of women’s empowerment. Lots of crimes against women in society are raising the issues of women’s rights in India. To benefit women’s empowerment in India, it needs to remove all the issues and challenges faced by women for years. The most common challenges are related to women’s education, poverty, health, and safety. After the country’s Independence, India faced many challenges, creating a big gap between men and women, especially in education. The ratio of educated adult men and women is 82.14% and 65.46%.
Women in India have been exploited for many years despite the UN Charter of Human Rights and provisions of the Indian Constitution. This gap can be removed by educating women and making them independent, which is the only option to break the wall of inequality, negligence, intolerance, social taboo, and exploitation. Poverty is another issue of backwardness of women in society. Eradication of poverty can be removed by eradicating women’s illiteracy. Generally, women are exploited in the home for domestic help. If poverty, health, safety, crime, and other issues related to women are removed, then we can see the real dream of women’s empowerment 20 years later.
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 3
Women empowerment is empowering women with their full rights to live a happy and free life without hesitation and fear in society. There is a total of eight Millennium Development Goals constituted by the United Nations Development Programme to ensure equality and peace worldwide. The third one of the Millennium Development Goals is to empower women in India by promoting gender equality and eliminating gender disparity through the proper education of both genders. There was a deadline of doing this by 2005 however missed by the country. According to the condition and status of women in India till 2015, we can say that disparity will not be eliminated by another 10 years.
Ministry of Human Resource Development established the Ministry for Women and Child Development in India in 1985 for the welfare and holistic development of women and children. Following initiatives are run under this program, such as Integrated Child Development Services, Swayamsidha Programme, National Commission for Women, etc.
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 4
As we all are well aware of the women’s situation in the country through the news on TV, in newspapers, or in magazines. Various bad practices, incidents, and accidents are happening to women in India. Despite India being a country of rich heritage, tradition, culture, etc., its women are not treated as equal to men in society. Women here are considered Lakshmi of the home; however, they are exploited behind the curtain even by their rude family members. Girls are not given the same facilities in the home as boys, which indicates that people have gender inequality in their minds. Women in India are considered second-grade citizens in their own country.
It is hard to believe the possibility of women’s empowerment in India even after lots of acts, projects, campaigns, etc., are run especially for this purpose. Because there is a need to change the mindset of people toward women in society. Last few years, rape crimes against women in the national capital have been very surprising, and it was more shocking that it happened in the city headed by a woman Chief Minister. Women empowerment cannot occur until gender discrimination exists in the country.
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 5
Women empowerment means empowering women with full social rights, economic stability, political rights, judicial strength, and other rights. Women should get proper rights in society like a man without any gender discrimination between men and women. Women should know as well as get the proper fundamental rights once they are born. A woman can be considered with women empowerment when:
- She gets respect and dignity.
- She lives independently according to her own lifestyle, whether at home or outside.
- She feels free to take her own decision according to her choice.
- She gets equal rights in society like a man.
- She does not feel gender discrimination in any field.
- She feels safe and secure, whether at home or outside, at work, on the street, etc.
রচনা ,প্রবন্ধ | উত্তর লিংক | ভাবসম্প্রসারণ | উত্তর লিংক |
আবেদন পত্র | উত্তর লিংক | অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা | উত্তর লিংক |
চিঠি ও ইমেল | উত্তর লিংক | প্রতিবেদন | উত্তর লিংক |
Paragraph | উত্তর লিংক | Composition | উত্তর লিংক |
Application | উত্তর লিংক | উত্তর লিংক | |
Essay | উত্তর লিংক | Letter | উত্তর লিংক |
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 6
Women empowerment is giving women their full rights in society. They have all rights from birth like a man. However, they have been restricted by the people for many years. There is no doubt that women have equally participated in the growth and development of the country. It is also a fact that if women are not given their rights, a country cannot be developed completely. It has been around seven decades of Independence. However, there is still a male-dominated society in the country. It is a country where women leaders are available in all the work fields such as scientist, space, railway, metro, research, school, doctor, engineer, etc. However, people still think that women are a weaker section of society.
Swami Vivekananda was a great person who had well said that “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved; a bird can’t fly on only one wing.” So, in order to be a fully developed country, India has to empower its other half-human resource.
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 7
If we see at our history, we find that women had enjoyed their rights a lot in ancient times, especially in Rig- The Vedic period; however, later in Vedic civilization, it deteriorated. Slowly women were restricted to home and denied education, widow remarriage, ownership of property, and other rights. They started bearing some crimes against them, such as child marriages, dowry system, sati pratha, etc., and it became more deteriorated during the Gupta period.
During British rule in India, many social reformers worked for women’s empowerment. However, they only became successful in removing sati pratha and denial of widow remarriages. Women have started participating in almost all the activities such as education, politics, sports, media, art, service sectors, science, technology, etc. However, they are still tortured, victimized, exploited, and humiliated because of the deep-rooted patriarchal mentality. There is still gender discrimination in education, freedom, and the economy. The Constitution of India has made various provisions for equality of women in India; however, women are not benefited completely because of some system issues.
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 8
Women empowerment is empowering women with all the rights and facilities in society so that they can live freely without any fear and restriction. There are some challenges to women’s empowerment, such as:
- There is a trend of the patriarchal system in Indian society in which the man of the home puts all the traditional and cultural burden over women, and he himself involve in the ruling activities like the lord. In a male-dominated country, honour killing is a common challenge for women.
- There is a big gap between men’s and women’s basic facilities in Indian society. This is called gender discrimination, where boys are more preferred over girls.
- Various violence and crimes happen against women in society, such as rapes, acid attacks, sexual harassment, kidnapping, etc., because of delays in the legal procedures.
- There is also a lack of political will, which delays the political empowerment of women.
- There is the unavailability of proper facilities in the schools for girls.
- There is a much-delayed justice system in India. Even rape cases become pending.
Women Empowerment Paragraph – 9
Women empowerment means strengthening women with all the rights of social, economic, and educational needs. It is to create an environment having no gender inequality for women. It is to empower them with equal rights in the family, society, community, and workplace. Women cover around half the country’s population, which means that without their growth, there would be no growth and development. Empowering women will boom the overall development of society because of the active participation of women in all areas. However, there are some challenges and barriers to women’s empowerment due to the inherent superiority complex among males, involvement of women in domestic responsibilities for years, limited participation in social and economic activities, restrictions to women’s outing, preference for boy-child for higher education and healthy diet, and many more.
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